Chapter 16

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"I'm not going in there" Riven announced as we neared his house.

As we drew closer to the gate, we could hear cries of the security team and maids "young master","master Riven".

They had awoken from their slumber I saw, which only meant one thing,
Rivens parents were home! It's either they had arrived earlier than expected, or we stayed out later than we thought.

This wasn't good, so I seconded to Rivens statement.

"You're right Riven, don't go in there".

Then I thought about all those people whose jobs were on the line and how worried they and his parents must be so I was skeptical. "Although, they're worried sick about you".

He laughed obviously driving home the point that he couldn't care less.
" I don't care, you can go in but I'm not" and with that, he took off in a sprint.

I made a split moment decision to go with him so I ran after it evidently struggling to keep up. "Hey, slow down a bit, you're too fast" I complained.

Turning back a bit to look at me but still keeping up the pace, he teased "You know for a ghost, you're horribly unfit". He pointed out the obvious. To that I stuck out my tongue at him.

When I was alive, I would always get nagged to go excercise, as it was good for me and my body. I didn't care, you know why, I already felt fit. What more did I need? So I let the advice swing by one ear and out the other and did as I saw fit.

Guess what's come to bite me back on my neck? Consequences of my laziness.

He did slow down his pace once we were out of hindsight of the house, which was nice of him.

I was curious to know where he would spend the night but I didn't inquire as I knew my inquiry would only agitate him and he would ask me to leave or disappear.

We reached a cabin deep in the words. It was fully furnished and really warm inside as there was a hearth. I looked around and I gotta say his interior decoration skills were top notch.

There were two love seats and a brown three seater. I guess he and his friends would normally crash here. There was even a chandelier hanging but this time around it was small and a had wooden style and feel to it.

"Nice place you got here" I told him.

"Thanks, I made it myself". He replied

I was taken aback "What? Woah that's great how long did it take you".

"A year, it was kinda hard to do it alone and I had to do it secretly".

"I didn't know you had a knack for architecture" I told him.

"Well there are a lot of things you don't know about me" he shrugged and lay on the three seater .

"Then why don't you tell me?" I tried persuading him to talk.

He smiled and hauled a pillow which went right through me and landed on the floor. I exclaimed, "nice try, you've forgotten I'm a ghost?"

"No I didn't, just wanted to try my luck. Go to sleep ghost your ghostliness is haunting my cabin". He turned his back on me.

I wished for a book, and a blanket and they appeared. I took the blanket and covered Riven with it and took my book sat, and started reading. I guess I'll stand guard.


Day 2.

Riven started to stir and I pretended to be asleep I didn't want him to think i was watching him sleep all night. When he did fully wake up, he stretched. Did some push ups and came close to my ear and shouted "hey ghost, wake up!".

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