Chapter 20

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"Surprise!" He said with little to no element of surprise written on his face as we stood in front of my old high school Easton high school.

"My old high school?" I asked rhetorically.

He started walking towards it. Coming to terms with it, I walked alongside him.

We got in and I was struck with a high sense of deja vu as I watched as the school was bustling with students.

People were chatting with their friends, some were putting their books away. Few scurrying off to class.

I missed this. All of it, at that time, I felt like school was just a waste of my time but now I was stood wishing that I could just attend one class as normal Rebi not ghost Rebi.

I sighed knowing it was impossible, and looked at big guy.
"So, who am I helping out?
Oh, Is it Gordon? He has a bad case of bad breath and body odour he kinda needs help or is it Helen? She has Anorexia Nervosa. Oh, I could totally help..." I couldn't complete my sentence as I was cut off with a palm raised to my face.

"Your next and final mission is Eliza Kaliman. I was informed that you two are already acquainted so it shouldn't be too hard for you."

I furrowed my brows in obvious deep confusion "wait hold up, Eliza?" Was all I managed to say.

"No, Queen Latifah" he replied sarcastically. "Try to keep up will you". Obviously he had a sense of humour.

Not caring about the voluntarily jab, I asked again
"Is this a joke?" I asked because it just had to be. Not that I didn't want to meet her, I did, I really did. It was just that, I wondered what problem Eliza could possibly be suffering from? That girl was as strong as a rock.

"I do not derive any form of pleasure in making you laugh. Hence, this is not a joke besides, I expected you to show more enthusiasm", he replied obviously picking up on my confusion and internal conflict.

"I am happy to see Eliza, just not on this grounds", I confessed.

"I don't think you're in a position to be picky about meeting situations" he pointed out to me.

"You're right. So what is it that I have to help Eliza with?", I inquired .

"Eliza, suffers from low self-esteem due to cyber bullying", he finished and gave a pointed look at me.

"Low self-esteem?" I let out a laugh. Was this a joke? Cause he got me there.

"Eliza can't possibly have low self esteem neither can she be cyber bullied " I pointed out to him. Who could possibly bully the strongest person I knew.

"Even the strongest of people can be bullied given the situation. Why do you assume she can't be bullied? What makes you think she's any different?."

I really didn't have an answer to that and he knew I didn't.

"You see, you don't have a reason. Not everyone you see is strong, there's something we call a farce". He carefully explained to me.

He continued "go talk to her, find out for yourself and help her. I'm sure you're familiar with the rules, you have 72 hours ", with that, he disappeared. By now, I was already used to it his sudden disappearance and the lack of complete answers to my questions, so I wasn't bothered at all. Time to meet Eliza then.

I walked and made a point to survey the area again just for the heck of it.

I found Eliza by our lockers or her locker now. Our lockers stood right next to each other.

Our picture that we had taken together at summer camp hung inside her locker. I held a weak smile on my face.

I stood behind her and whispered "psst".

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