Chapter 14

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I sat outside for two solid hours you know, to have a little bit of self reflection. Did i self reflect? I feel like I did. I did know what I did was bad but eh, that's it.

I headed back in because I was tired of sitting idly and I at least had to apologize to him, I did feel somewhat bad.

Each step was filled with determination; but on reaching the final 5 steps, my determination, was replaced with dread.

I walked painfully slow to Rivens room. On reaching it, i knocked. There was no response so i said a silent prayer and walked in. The room was quiet, but he was there alright.

He had his back turned and his eyes trained on either the wall or window. You know, could be both. I don't know.

I cautiously walked over to him. Maintaining a safe distance between us. You know, one between run and talk.

Taking a deep breath, I apologized. "Uhh, Hey Riven, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for bringing up the thing with your parents. It was not my place and I really regret it. So if you could please forgive me, that would be great".

Shitty apology I know, but it was sincere that's what matters right?

I waited for his response to my heart felt apology but got nothing. Ok, maybe not too heart felt for him.

I sighed and started walking out when I heard him say " you're forgiven".

I was happy that I screamed yes! And was about to thank him until he brought up the clause.

"But on one condition". The one sentence I dreaded hearing.

My happiness disappeared like a puff of smoke; but I had no choice here, so I asked "what?".

"You will leave me alone" he finished.

"Great! I would love to do that but I can't" I told him.

"No, it's quite simple, you just turn your back and keep walking till you reach the door, close the door behind you and never return, simple!"

He had a triumphant smile on his face like he had won.

"No, I can't leave because I was assigned here. Do you think I'm a jobless ghost who just decided to pop in here to while away time that you can ask to leave whenever you feel like it?" I asked because it really seemed to me like he thought so.

"Well yeah, aren't you jobless, or wait are you a genie who's here to grant me 4 wishes?" He laughed.

"It's three wishes not four dummy, and no, I'm not here to grant you three wishes and even if I was, I wouldn't seeing such a horrible attitude you have". I scoffed folding my hands over my chest.

"Hey, you don't know me!" He growled as he stood up from the bed and glared at me.

And he's back. " You're right I don't and you don't know me either so you can't just wish me away like you own me". I clapped back.

"Yeah, right! I control everything and everyone". He retorted.

"Yeah, sure you do Rivvy". I had a huge smirk on my face.

"Don't you dare call me Rivvy!" He barked. Right term you know, considering how dog like he acted.

"What you gonna do about it Rivvyyy...!" This time I made sure I elongated the Rivvy. Just to rile him up.

That worked because he took a chair and hauled it In my direction. I winced and held out my hands. I didn't have time to duck. Then something miraculous happened. The chair stood up in the air neither hitting me, nor dropping on the floor.

Sweet! I could control objects too. I aimed the chair at him and made like I was gonna throw it at him.

He ducked in response and I dropped the chair on the floor it landed with a clank! And he flinched and I laughed.

So he was scared after all." What happened Rivvy, you scared?" I air quoted, taunted him in a baby like voice.

"I'm not scared" he stood up from behind the dresser. I'm just testing it to see how firm it is. Then he tapped it. "Yes, hard as wood".

"Maybe because it is wood" I laughed again. He glared. "Sure, sure keep deceiving yourself".

"Why are you here then?" He eyed me warily. "Are you like a fan of mine that died and is now here to stalk me?" He then put his hand protectively over his body.

"First of, perv! second, I'm not a fan of yours" maybe I did lie here but common I didn't want to inflate his already humongous ego. "Third I'm here on a mission". I told him. I didn't want him thinking I really was jobless.

"Well care to enlighten me miss.." he held out his hands waiting for me to complete it.

"Jon" I replied reluctantly.

To that he nodded and continued "miss Jon".

"No, I don't care to enlighten you but I will. Not because you asked me to but because I was going to anyways". I said.

This time around he laughed. He actually laughed, and he had a charming smile that revealed a sparkling set of white teeth and striking dimples. He looked handsome, human even. He really needed to smile more but I won't tell him that. "Sure, sure, keep deceiving yourself". Dang it! He used my words against me.

Brushing him off, I won't let him get under my skin.
"As you already know, my name is Rebi and I'm dead. Now before you ask, I died in a fire and I begged for a second chance to make things right and I was granted that. With the condition that I help three people going through tough challenges within three days or I would disappear. So hence, me coming to you. I was asked to come here and help you.

"First off, I don't need help thank you very much and I've got a beautiful idea" he grinned which got me suspicious.

"Ok, what beautiful idea" I asked.

He walked over to his mahogany desk, picked up a small ball and plopped down on the chair. He started spinning and tossing the ball from one hand to another.

He looked me right in the eyes and said "I'll just wait for the three days to be up so that you'll disappear into dust and I'll never have to see you again. Since you've blatantly refused to let me be". He raised his hands and shrugged like it meant nothing.

"Hey,how can you say that" I asked.

"Uh, excuse me, I'm not the one with three days left on earth, that sounds like a you problem, not a me problem" he put his hands in the air.

I was a little hurt by that statement he wanted me dead for the second time. "Look, I know you don't know me nor like me. Trust me the feeling's mutual but isn't there a way we can compromise? Or come to an understanding? I have a family to get back to and I would love to leave you alone but I can't. As much as it pains me to have to see your face, I can't risk not seeing my parents again by messing things up with you. I'm a ghost, I'm sure there's a way I can help you and you can help me". My voice cracked "I can't die again". I looked down suddenly having a new interest in the plush carpet.

He sighed, pushed his hair out of his face and looked at me. "I'll let you help me".

Finally, who knew he had a heart, I was begining to smile. When he noticed this, he smiled too said "but on one condition".

Oh sweet lord, not again!

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