1. Dinnertime Shenanigans

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Note: This part is basically what would happed if a high school rom-com met the Canadians. At this point, the oldest provinces (Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, PEI and New Brunswick) are about to finish school, thus, prom is coming up. The others are in the year below and are attending too, mostly. This is strange, just a heads-up (and sorry for this!)

Ideas/Questions/Requests welcome!

Warning: Weird ships.

"Are you excited for the dance?" Canada beamed, serving everyone plates of freshly-baked poutine.

"No," Prince Edward Island muttered, chewing nervously on a fry, "I'm staying home with Newfie's Newfie."

"Don't call me that." Newfoundland and Labrador sighed irritably, "And no, you can't stay with Bear or Brody." Brody, a cheerful yellow Labrador, popped out from under the table, staring hopefully at his owner's gravy-covered chips. Bear, the massive brown Newfoundland, didn't even stir from his sleep.

"Err... ok..." Nada laughed awkwardly at the exchange, "What about everyone else?"

"Well," New Brunswick sniggered, "I think Nova's going to ask out that American she likes-"

"Shut up!" Nova blushed, "I don't like him like that! Or at all!"


"Seriously! Stop!"



"Whatever you say, dear~" PEI chimed in, smirking.

"I-.... I'm f*****g leaving!" With that, Nova stormed out of the room and stomped upstairs, only pausing to grab a bottle of whiskey on her way.

Canada decided to stop asking after that; his day was complicated enough without having to navigate through a minefield of teenage drama.

Talk of prom lingered throughout the provinces' evening, though only really became the main topic of conversation when Nunavut suddenly announced he was going with his girlfriend. Ignoring the bombardment of questions, he simply grinned awkwardly at his siblings, drained his coffee and fell asleep, snoring like a grizzly bear with a cold.

"Lucky girl," British Colombia murmured, warranting an equally loud snort from Manitoba. "Wonder who the poor woman is."

Eventually, conversation turned away from the upcoming dance and onto a much more... pressing topic.

"Quebec, you're fifteen. You can't move out!"

"Oui? Well, watch me!" she scoffed at Ontario.

Like Nova hours earlier, Quebec stormed upstairs, but only because she needed the toilet, if she was being honest. The others followed her up to their rooms not long after, yawning overdramatically as they plodded up the staircase, abandoning Nunavut to snooze on the sofa.

I'm sorry, this was so weird! Requests, please, if you have any!

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