6. The Prairie House Plan

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Requested by BobTheBlobby2

It was early July and life had never been more hectic; this year, the younger provinces were due to turn eighteen. Usually, birthdays weren't particularly chaotic, especially seeing as they were so spaced out across the year, however this year, things were due to be a little more... interesting than usual.

The last of the provinces to come of age were the Prairie siblings: Alberta, an ambitious, hot-headed, natural leader with a rather large ego; Manitoba, the stubborn, yet easily confused snow-shoveler, who collected shoes as a hobby; and Saskatchewan, the absent-minded, good-humoured third sister with more clumsiness than common sense at times.

As usual, a decent while before the triplets' birthday, Canada had asked, "Have you three got a Wish List this year, eh?"

"Well," Mai had grinned, "I thought we could have a joint present, like a cat, or something!"

"Hey! You know I'm allergic!" Saskatchewan rolled her eyes irritably. "Besides, I want sports stuff this year, like a hockey stick or a football-"

"But you don't have a hockey team."

"Did I ask, Berta?"

"Well I have a better idea," Alberta declared, clearing her throat grandly, "What about a new house?" Surprisingly, this didn't seem like a bad idea. In fact, Mai and Sask appeared rather eager... excited at the prospect, almost.

"Well, if that's what you want," Canada had sighed, glancing sadly at what would've been his Syrup Fund if not for the expense of what was being asked of him.

"Why can they move out all of a sudden?!" someone had screamed, gaping at the situation, "I have been asking for years... Years with no response! And yet, they can just...just go!"

Before Canada could even answer the furious French-Canadian, Quebec had stormed out of the room, cursing in flustered French as she stomped outside into the garden.

Months later, it was moving day! The house was littered with boxes (mostly Mai's snow boots), as only half had been loaded into Uncle Candle Man's (USA's) van so far.

"Let's get a move on!" Al yelled at her siblings, "Saskatchewan, stop staring at the ceiling!"

"Wha" Sask, who was currently lying on the floor having a sneezing fit, muttered, coming to her senses and finally getting up and dragging over a box of plates.

"Who made you the boss of us?!" Mai huffed, clearly sick and tired of all the heavy lifting.

"The move was my idea! Besides, do you have a better plan?"


"Well? What do we do then, genius?"



Succumbing to her sister's control-freak tendencies, Manitoba reluctantly picked up the final moving box from the kitchen: this contained multiple portable TVs, a beautiful custom hockey stick belonging to Al's mother, Sask's diary, Mai's photo album and a jumbo pack of maple syrup for the journey. She had to be careful; after all, these were the Prairies' most treasured possessions. Of course, she took care, tiptoeing carefully across the room, over to the back door where the moving van was parked, until-

"Spider!" Saskatchewan screeched, throwing a pillow towards Mai, who saw the little horror creeping up her arm only too late... Manitoba screamed like hell, letting the precious box fall to the ground as she slapped her arm in a frenzy, missing the eight-legged beast every single time.

"I'll get it!" Alberta yelled, racing over to her sister's aid, only to land head-first onto the corner of an already broken television that was protruding from its cardboard covering. "Oww," she groaned, her voice muffled by the bubble wrap that had sealed itself to her sweaty face. "That was your fault, Mai!"

"Was not!" Manitoba squealed, "Saskie started it!"

"Oi! I was helping you!"

"You scared the living daylights out of me!"

"That's not my fault!"


"Done with the pranks now, Aussie?" Uncle Candle Man (Ame) chuckled to his brother.

"Oh, I suppose!" Uncle Australia giggled, "That was fun, though. I told you Sid could do it!" Sid, a small, inobtrusive house spider scuttled onto his carer's head, resting on his hat appreciatively.

"Shall we get going, then?"

"S'pose," Nada answered, calling to the Prairies, "Come on, kiddos! Boxes in! Aussie will get you a new TV!"

"Will I?!"

"Yes," Canada answered, elbowing his younger brother, "You broke it, you pay!"

"Fine... Now, you three," he addressed the three provinces in front of him, " you can go in my truck! Nada and Ame'll come in the van!"

"Onwards and upwards!" Alberta grinned warmly.

"Cheers to that," America called back, finally driving off.

"Got everything?" Aussie checked, directing this question at the rather ditzy Saskatchewan.

"Yep," Al answered.

"I have," Mai nodded. "Sask?"

"Sask?!" Alberta prompted. No response.

"SASKATCHWAN!" she yelled in frustration.

"Mmm? Oh, yeah, that's me."



"Your stuff? Got everything?" Aussie repeated, sighing to himself.

"Err... yes..."

"In that case, off we go!"

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