2. Student Exchange, Pt. 1

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Note: this book isn't in chronological order, so sorry. This takes place maybe a year or so before the previous chapter?

The news was announced that day in assembly: there was to be a brand new student exchange program between the Academy of North America and a private European school, The European College of Arts. A ripple of excitement flew through the hall at the revelation, students speculating over who would go away and who would be their new arrival.

"We will be sending three students, one for each of the year groups selected to participate, with three of the Europeans returning in their place. The students in question will be staying with the families of their replacements, so please be on your best behaviour! Your parents and guardians have been sent consent forms, which are to be returned by midnight tomorrow." With that, the assembly concluded, leaving many questions over who and where they'd be going.

Of course, they all wanted a part in this new, mysterious adventure, and begged Canada to sign the consent forms as soon as they burst through the front door.

"Alright," Canada smiled at his overexcited family, "I'll sign, just don't be disappointed if you're not selected, ok?"

"Ok...." they chorused back boredly, barely taking in a word their older brother (or cousin, or whatever relation he was to them) said.

It was only a week before the participants were revealed. As usual, everything has been randomised, meaning anything could happen... Who would go? Would they be chosen? They were about to find out...

The headteacher, Mr. States, announced, "The three lucky students heading out to Europe next are, from Year 7, Quintana Roo, to Portugal; from Year 8 (the younger provinces held their breath expectantly, silently begging for their name to be read out), Florida, to Poland!"

"Poor Poland," Alberta muttered to Saskatchewan.

"And finally, from Year 9," Mr. States concluded, as the older provinces watched on longingly, "To France, Quebec!" [I randomised that, I promise!] Stunned and suddenly extremely overexcited, Quebec let out a small squeal of triumph, much to the delight and amusement of everyone sat in close proximity to her.

"Further details for the students in question will be emailed out this evening! You now may exit the hall" Mr. States concluded after what felt like an eternity.

"Yay! We get rid of Quebec for two weeks!" Ontario cheered, earning him a slap from his sister.

"Well, I won't miss you either, Ontario," she sniffed, suppressing the smile of utter delight at her good fortune. After a scenic walk of cherry-blossom trees and bickering, the provinces reached their house, where Nada waited for them, his usual cheery smile radiating warmth.

"Hey, kids! How was your-"

"I'M GOING TO FRANCE!" Quebec screamed, finally losing control of her joy.


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