5. World Bin Duty

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[This follows on from the previous chapter.]

"195 bins. Lovely. Thanks for that, Quebec," Ontario smiled sarcastically, glaring at the province stood before him.

"It wasn't my fault, it was those two connasses."

"If you're going to insult us, at least do it in English," Alberta huffed.

"What did she even say?" BC asked her sister.

"I dunno"

"She called you a-holes," New Brunswick translated.

"Sure. I admit we weren't great," Alberta retorted, glaring at the snarky French-Canadian, "but, we wouldn't be cleaning out the bins of every nation in the world if it weren't for Quebec backchatting UN."

Alberta had a point. True, her and British Colombia had caused this entire think by more or less destroying UN's headquarters, but the whole bin thing was a punishment for Quebec's arguing back over the first consequence, the ban on any province applying to become a nation for the next decade.

"You can't prove that," Quebec sniffed, not quite realising how stinky Italy's out-of-date parmesan was, causing her to gag and cover her nose with her already rather dirty pearl-white hair.

By midnight, the provinces had barely finished with Europe, let alone the entire planet! They were covered in mysterious, unidentified goop (courtesy of the bins outside Germany's science lab) and wanted to go home. After all, it wasn't directly the fault of all of them; if only this'd been just Quebec's punishment... they'd all thought at some point that first night.

"Come on, if we hurry up, we might be able to finish with the Americas by morning," Manitoba sighed, gazing mournfully at her ruined Doc Martens.

"No! I'm going home!" PEI declared, turning on his heel and marching away into the distance.

"Who's he again?" Ontario muttered to Alberta.

"You need to stop forgetting who people are, Ontario! We literally live with that guy!" Alberta huffed irritably, tired of Ontario's ego, shoving him into the side of a food-waste bin.

"Hey!" he screeched.

The night went on in a fashion not to dissimilar to this; the more tired the provinces got, the angrier they became and the more quarrels there were. By the time it had reached seven o'clock the next morning, only half the bins had been completed and the majority of the Canadians had gone home.

The remainders (Ontario, Alberta, BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan) were exhausted! In fact, if they'd wanted, they would have had almost no issue curling up on park benches in the pouring rain to get some sleep, but alas, they ventured home tired though they were, almost immediately flopping down on the sofas and armchairs by the fireplace as Nada greeted them in the living room.

And that's why you don't mess with UN and his bins.

Sorry, this makes barely any sense!

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