The Prank

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Richard, Y/N, Ariana, Darwin and Gumball are having breakfast.

Gumball: Hey, Dad, can you pass the sugar?

Richard: [Giggles] Sure, Gumball. [Gives him the vessel] Here's the sugar. [Laughs softly]

Gumball pours the sugar onto his cereal, takes a bite, and then vomits it on Darwin.

Darwin: It probably just needs more sugar. [Pours more]

Richard laughs softly; Gumball takes another bite, but vomits it on Darwin again, much longer than before. Darwin then blocks the vomit with newspaper, which the vomit breaks through, and then a spoon, before Gumball stops vomiting.

Gumball: [With puckered lips] This tastes terrible.

Darwin: [Tastes it] It tastes like salt.

Richard: [Laughs loudly] That's because I swapped the sugar for the salt! [Laughs softly] It was the greatest prank ever.

Gumball: [His lips go back to normal] Okay, you got me. But that's not the greatest prank, this is. [Handles a ketchup bottle and points to Richard] Hey, Dad, does this ketchup look funny to you?

Richard: Hmm... I'll check. But afterwards, don't forget to show me that prank you were talking about. [Checks the ketchup bottle] Looks okay to me... [Gumball sprays the ketchup in his face] Aah!

Gumball and Darwin laugh.

Richard: What'd you do that for? You got ketchup all over me.

Gumball: That was the prank..

Darwin: Yeah, we did it because it's funny.

Richard: [Feels sad] No, it isn't. It's only funny when it happens to someone else! How could you do this to your own father?!

He runs away from Gumball and Darwin, crying

Nicole: [Appears from the kitchen] That wasn't very nice. You two should know better.

Y/N: You two know how he is

Ariana: (Nodded in Agreement)

Gumball: What?! You didn't tell him off for pranking us.

Nicole: You know it's too late for your father. I want you two to apologize by the time I get back. [Leaves the house]

Darwin: Do you think Mr. Dad will be okay?

Gumball: Eh, he probably forgot about it already.

Y/N: (To Ariana) Today's gonna be a pain in the ass isn't it?

Ariana: (To Y/N) Yeah.

The twins sighs in unison.

Y/N & Ariana: What a drag.


Gumball and Darwin are now playing their game while the twins watching it. Soon, Richard comes by.

Richard: [Hides something behind his back] Hello, children.

Gumball & Darwin: Hey, Dad.

Y/N: 'Sup.

Ariana: Oh, hi!

Richard: [Shows two new pairs of shoes; one red, and one green] Why don't you try on these lovely new shoes?

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