The Goons

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Richard, Gumball and Darwin are fooling around, playing "Butt Puppets." They all have their butts on the table, with sunglasses on them; Anais is making puzzles with Nicole, Y/N and Ariana at the coffee table.

Gumball: Get off my lawn, Watterson!

Richard: "Butt" why, Mr. Robinson?

Darwin: Don't be so cheeky!

Richard, Gumball and Darwin laugh; Camera cuts to Anais.

Nicole: C'mon sweetie, one puzzle; one thousand pieces of fun.

Anais: Mom, can we do something, you know...not boring?

Nicole: You mean like the two thousand piece puzzle?

Anais: No something more like that.

Ariana: Like... Playing some.... Entertaining games that aren't boring like.... Video Games or something.

Y/N: Uh-huh.

Gumball: I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

Everyone Laughs.

Richard: Hahahaha, bottom!

Nicole: [Opens puzzle] Anais, I think you are a bit too intelligent for that kind of behavior.

Anais: Well if being intelligent means no fun then I don't want to be intelligent anymore. [Walks away] By the way those go there. [Quickly finishes puzzle]

Nicole: [Pulls out a camera and takes picture] Nice...

Ariana: [Took out a picture from her phone] This goes to my Instagram post...

Y/N decided to sneak out to the bedroom. However, Nicole grabs his shirt collar.

Nicole: Nu-uh, young man. It's your turn.

Y/N: (Whispers) Save me.

Ariana: (Whispers) Good luck.

Anais walks up to Gumball.

Anais: Gumball, can I speak to you?

Gumball: [Flicks fingers and points to his bottom] My eyes are up here.

Anais: How come you guys never ask me to play with you.

Gumball: Well, [Cleans glasses] we thought you liked puzzles.

Anais: Yeah, puzzles are okay, but i'd like to join you and be dumb for a change, just for a day.

Gumball: [Scratches butt] For a day, huh...

Richard & Darwin: Hmm...

Darwin: I think we should give her a chance.

Gumball: Okay then.

Anais: Yay!


Gumball, Darwin and Anais are in the garden.

Gumball: Here's a game we like to play. It's called "I'm the President".

Anais: What are the rules?

Gumball: Well, I'm the president, and you have to do what I say.

Darwin: Yes sir, Mr. President, sir!

Gumball: Now, go get the stinkiest thing you can find in the house.

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