Part 3

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Ember was pacing her room in a panic. If her parents saw her like this there was no telling what they would do. Ember knew that it wouldn't be good, they might even kill her this time. She froze in the middle of the room when that thought invaded her brain.

She needed to leave. "Tilly!" There was a pop when a house-elf popped into the room. "How may Tilly help mistr-" Tilly gasped when seeing the changes that happened to Ember. "Mistress Ember what has happened to you?"

Ember shook her head fast. "I don't know what happened but what I do know is that my parents might kill me if they see me like this. I need to leave can you bring me a bottomless, lightweight bag that has a strong notice me not charm on it?"

Tilly nodded and popped away while Ember slowly calmed down at getting help.

Tilly came back half an hour later and handed the bag to Ember, "Tilly has packed all the bookies you hasn't read yet Mistress!" Ember stared at Tilly surprised before smiling. "Thank you Tilly, you're a good elf, can you pack everything in this room into my bag please? When I say that I don't mean the furniture."

Tilly nodded and with a snap of her fingers, everything that wasn't furniture that was in Embers' room was now in her bag. Everything besides the big book left on her Bed. Ember didn't have time to figure out how Tilly's magic didn't affect the book so she just scooped it up and put it in her bag herself.

"Can you pop me to Gringotts, please? I need to speak to them."

Taking Ember's hand the little elf did as asked and popped her into the lobby of Gringotts which was thankfully empty at the moment besides some goblins. "Thank you, Tilly. You can go but you're not allowed to tell anyone what I look like now." Tilly nodded before popping away, leaving Ember by herself.

Ember walked up to one of the counters and waited for a Goblin to acknowledge her. She stood there patiently for 45 minutes before the Goblin finally looked up annoyed. "Yes?"

Ember stood up straight, looking right at the goblin. She forgot about her new pupils while she had been looking so she was confused at the surprise that flashed across his face at first before she remembered.

"Yes, I'm Ember Potter and I need to access my trust vault-" "You do not look like the young miss Potter."

The Goblin was eyeing her suspiciously so she quickly asked if there was a way to prove she was Ember Potter. Silence stretched on for a couple of minutes before the Goblin turned, and barked out an order in another language that sent a younger-looking Goblin running over.

"Take this girl to the inheritance office for a full inheritance test!"

The younger Goblin turned and barked at her to follow him as he walked off. The Goblin led her down several halls until they reached a door that had a plaque on it that had the word Inheritance on it.

Ember glanced at the Goblin when he opened the doors and told her to go in. After walking a few feet in the room the door was slammed shut behind her, making her jump.

"Welcome human, you are here because you claim to be the Potters daughter. We shall do a small test to make sure you are indeed her, though we have doubts." The Goblin sitting behind the only desk in the room spoke as Ember walked closer.

There was something with the Goblins name on it on the dest, Grinlast.

"Use this knife to cut your hand and let your lifeblood flow into the goblet below. We will then see who you truly are." Grinlast handed Ember a knife. It looked like it was made out of the bone of some animal. It probably was, Ember realized before she used it to cut her hand before she clenched it over the goblet to let her blood spill into it.

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now