Part 5

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Ember woke up and jumped out of bed right away, Rushing to get ready. She sent Bippy to pick up everything she would need to make her new Gem and climbed into her trunk. Ember decided to turn one of her empty rooms in the trunk, into a bedroom for her gem.

Ember didn't know if the Gem would need to sleep or eat but she wanted to be prepared. The things in the new room were temporary, she would let the Gem decorate it however they wanted later after they got settled in and got used to being alive.

After she was done with the gems room, Ember quickly walked to her potions room. She smiled slightly when seeing that Bippy had placed all of the items needed for the special liquid on a counter. Bippy had also put all of the molds she got last night on another one.

That was good, now she just needed to figure out which mold she would use.

Tapping her chin in thought Ember finally decided on the Mold in the shape of a Pearl. So she grabbed the mold and put it on the counter close to her cauldron. She made sure it was in easy reach before she started to carefully make the liquid that was needed.

She needed to restart a couple of times when she made a mistake, this was her first time brewing any sort of potion after all. Let alone a potion that could make life the way this one did.

Several hours later she finally finished the potion and carefully poured it into the mold before backing away. The book had said that it would take some time before the Gem was ready so Ember set a timer to alert her when an hour was done. Then she sat down on a small chair she had put in the corner and started reading the book on Gems again.

She hadn't finished it last night, she had been so excited when seeing that she could create a life that she got a little ahead of herself. While she had the time she was going to read this book and find out more about gems. Something she should have done before starting to create one.

Ember managed to get through a couple more chapters before the hour was up and had found a page on what a Pearl Gem was supposed to do. The Pearl was a servant or maid for the Diamonds back when they were all alive. They apparently weren't supposed to do anything that their Diamonds didn't like, Ember didn't like that part.

Ember decided that she would let her, Pearl do what she liked and be whoever she wanted to be, sure Ember might ask for Pearls help with things but she would treat her like a friend or at least a secretary.

Noticing the time she put her book down and walked over to check on the mold. Ember noticed that it looked solid so she carefully removed it from the mold and set it down on a cushion. Now Ember just needed to wait for the body to form.

She didn't know how long that would take, the book said that the time can vary from Gem to Gem.

Ember simply watched the Pearl, it was a shade of green that she hadn't known Pearls could turn, She had Blippy bring her a book about natural pearls to read while she waited.

While reading she found out that while white, cream and gray pearls were the most common, they could also come in several other colors. They came in so many colors they came in the colors of purple, black, pink, green, champagne, chocolate, blue and lavender. So many colors, Ember had thought that colored pearls were artificially made by muggles but it turns out that they could be made naturally in the wild.

Ember looked up with wide eyes when the Pearl started to glow, soon enough a body made of white light emerged from the Pearl until it solidified itself and landed gracefully on the floor.

Ember stayed quiet as she took in her creation in awe. The Pearl had light, sea green colored skin, their hair was held in a ponytail with a few strands to frame her heart-shaped face. She was wearing a dark green dress that looked like it would be perfect for more formal occasions in the muggle world.

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now