Part 6

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TW: This chapter contains people trying to molest Pearl. Do not worry nothing happens but Ember does kill two of the men.

Ember had got a small glamour necklace for Pearl so people wouldn't look at her weirdly for her green skin, green hair, or the Green Pearl stuck in her chest. Now they were going to the muggle world to look at the electronics stores. Ember wanted to get one of each kind of electronic so she could study them all.

Pearl was going to go with her to act as both her secretary, handling any paperwork that would be required for buying that much. She was also there to keep people from wondering why a kid was wandering around without her parents with her.

They made sure to go to different stores each time so no one wondered why they were buying so many different computers and whatnot. Ember was wondering if she could make a small version of these desktop computers, if she could she could maybe make a muggle safe version and sell them in the Muggle world too.

It wouldn't hurt to have money in both worlds after all.

Ember and Pearl also stopped by a muggle bookstore and practically bought out the entire store. They didn't buy every single book in the store, if they had done that then they would have so many copies of each book.

No, they just bought one of every single book before moving on to another book store to get any they didn't have. They did this for a few more hours before Ember dragged Pearl clothes shopping for Muggle clothes.

If Ember and Pearl spent time in the muggle world, they would need muggle clothes to help blend in better. Not to mention, Pearl only had one outfit and Ember wanted to spoil her creation a bit.

She also picked Pearl up some nicknacks here and there that she hoped Pearl would like.

Ember had never had someone to care for before, now that she did she understood why some people considered love to be so powerful.

Ember was never letting anything happen to Pearl or to any other Gem she might create in the future. Her eyes started glowing as she thought of what she would do to someone who even tried to hurt her children-Wait children?

Ember paused and thought about it, Pearl was created by Ember. Ember had created Pearl with the purpose of bringing someone to life. She was taking care of Pearl and spoiling her a little. She loved Pearl and, Ember realized that she had been thinking of Pearl as her child subconsciously.

If this was an anime Ember would have a sweat drop as she realized that at 8-years old she was already a mom. Ember had a small internal panic because she was too young to be a mom, but also she so wanted more Gems around.

Shaking her head, Ember vowed to think on this later and walked off. She was looking for Pearl, they had got a little lost in the muggle world and got separated so Ember was trying her best to find Pearl before anything bad happened to her.

Suddenly she felt a pull and started running to where it was pulling her. Ember was frantic, something was wrong with Pearl. Ember ran into an alley and felt her blood freeze before it started to boil at what she saw.

Some men had cornered Pearl, sweet, innocent, sometimes naive Pearl. Her DAUGHTER that was only a month old. It was clear what they were trying to do and Ember would have none of it, with a snarl she followed her instincts and put her hand on the Diamond in her chest. Using a bit of power she summoned a sword, it had a small Green Diamond on it.

The hilt was green and the sword itself was curved up a little, it had an engraving on it that said, Green Diamond. Ember didn't pay any attention to the sword beyond noticing that she had one now.

Ember charged at the men with a battle cry and stabbed one right through their chest from the back. Slowly pulling the sword out she stepped back, letting the man she just stabbed fall to the ground. Looks like she managed to hit his heart, good. He deserved nothing less than death for even trying to harm her daughter.

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now