Part 19

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After the meeting with the headmaster, she spent some time talking to Jasper on the way back to Professor Flitwick's rooms so she could use the floo to go back home. Jasper assured her that everything was going okay and that she would let Pearl and Bibby know what happened.

"Ember I have to go now, but be careful, I don't trust the Headmaster or your former parents not to do something, okay?" Jasper spoke, kneeling to be eye level with her diamond.

"I'll be careful." Ember paused, she was debating if she should mention her suspicions of Lily but decided not to. She could just be reading more into the sad look her biological mother gave her.

She hugged Jasper and then watched as she used the fireplace to go home, Professor Flitwick escorted her back to the dorms since it was past curfew and he didn't want her to get in trouble.

The next morning started the same as the day before, , she got up earlier than her roommates and got ready for the day before going down to the common room with a new book to read. She waited until Daphne and Tracey came down and then they spent some time reading together before going down for breakfast.

After breakfast, the three went to their first class of that day, double transfiguration with the Griffindors. Ember wasn't looking forward to this class, she knew that she would be seeing her twin in this class. Ember walked into the room and noticed the cat sitting on top of the professor's desk. Looking at it she soon remembered overhearing James tell Damien about how his favorite Professor could transform herself into a cat.

She gave the cat a nod before sitting down in between Tracey and Daphne at the desk in the front of the room. She took out her book for this class and started to read with her two new friends following her lead.By the time class started everyone but her twin and his stupid friend were sitting down. A few minutes after the class was supposed to start the two of them ran in.

"Wow, Good thing we got here before Old Mcgonagall huh, Damien?" Weasley said patting

Damien on the back who laughed and nodded in agreement.

They both froze when the cat on the desk jumped off and turned into Professor McGonagall. She gave the two boys a stern look, "You are late."

"We got lost." Damien spoke up, looking disgruntled that he was being told off.

"Maybe I should transfigure one of you into a pocket watch and the other into a map then so you have no further excuses, go take your seats." Damien grumbled but went and sat down with Ron at the only free desk left.

The Professor then turned to the class and started teaching them about the joys and dangers of transfiguration. She turned her desk into a pig and then back again before explaining that they would be able to do that in later years.The Professor then passed out matchsticks and told them she wanted them to try turning them into a needle with the incantation on the board.

The first thing Ember did was pick up the matchstick and examine it. It was thin and long like a needle. She examined its weight of it before setting it back down.

She glanced around the room, everyone was trying to turn it into a needle, a few Ravenclaws remembered what she said yesterday about needing to push their magic into their wands when first performing magic and were having a bit more luck with it than the Gryffindor.

Ember looked down at the matchstick in thought before she smirked. She imagined the matchstick turning into a needle, then she imagined how the needle would look. She thought of the needle being silver with a small hole to string thread through. She thought of it as being sturdy and sharp before she waved her wand, pushing a bit of magic into it as she kept the image of the needle at the front of her mind.

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now