Part 8

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Today was the day, the day that Ember would finally disown, and evict those awful Potters. She got dressed in a simple shirt and jeans before having Bippy pop both her and Pearl right outside the Potter Manor, soon to return to being called Peverell Manor.

Ember made sure both she and Pearl were invisible before she spoke the words to evict the Potters from her land.

"I, Lady Ember Viola Potter Peverell Ravenclaw Emrys, do hereby close all my homes except for

Slytherin Manor where I am living at this moment in time."

Ember watched with a dark smile as the Potters appeared outside the wards looking disoriented and confused.

"What the fuck?" James yelled while Lily tried to calm him and Damien, assuring them that they would figure out what happened and fix it.

Eventually, James called for a house-elf, "Tilly come here right now!" Tilly appeared, looking up at James, "Master James calls for Tilly?" "Yes I did, take us back to the manor right now!"

"Tilly be sorry Master James but Tilly cannot be doing that."

Damien cried out, "Why not? We want to get back into our manor!"

Tilly looked sad, "Potters manor no longer Potters Manor, it be going back to being Peverell Manor."

"What?!" The three Potters screamed in shock. "Lady Peverell closed all of her properties so no ones can enter but her and her elves."

James growled, "But this isn't her manor, it's ours you useless elf!"

Ember frowned and decided now would be a good time to disown the Potters.

"I, Lady Ember Viola Potter Peverell Ravenclaw Emrys, do hereby disown James Charlus Potter from any and all family lines that I am head of."

"I, Lady Ember Viola Potter Peverell Ravenclaw Emrys, do hereby disown Lily Marie Potter, [nee evens] from any and all family lines that I am head of."

"I, Lady Ember Viola Potter Peverell Ravenclaw Emrys, do hereby disown Damien Godric Potter from any and all family lines that I am head of."

Ember sat back and watched with a dark glint in her eyes as the Potters started screaming as the magic from Peverell and Ravenclaw was torn out of the Potters, changing them physically and magically.

Lily's bright, vibrant fiery red hair changed to be a dull stringy orange. Her eyes changed from bright emerald green to dull hazel, her skin got paler and she lost a couple of inches in her height and it looked like she lost some weight as well. She no longer had a curvy figure, she was now pretty plain.

Her clothes no longer fit her correctly either. If Ember had to guess she would also say that Lily Potter now had much lower magical power than she did 10 or so minutes ago.

James' hair changed from the signature black messy hair of the Potter family to a dull mossy brown that hung limply from his head, his eyes changed from hazel to plain brown. He gained some weight and lost some height. His clothes didn't fit him as they did before either.

Now onto Damien, his hair changed to the same dull mossy brown color his dad now had and his eyes changed to a dull hazel instead of the bright color they'd been before. He gained a lot of weight but unlike his parents, he gained a couple of inches of height. Not that it did him any good.

His face of now red and blotchy, and his clothes were seemingly fighting to not rip at the seams.

"Elf what just happened!" Lily screamed at poor Tilly.

"Tilly is sorry Miss Potter, but yous seem to have been disowned by the new Lady Peverell!"

The Potters all looked at each other in horror before they apparated to the bank, Lily took Damien by side along since he wasn't old enough to do it himself. It was clear that they wanted to try and get this fixed and thought the bank would be able to help.

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