Part 7

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Ember walked into Gringotts and was sent to another office to wait for her appointment. Normally people came to Gringotts for banking needs, mostly withdrawing money but Ember had had the Goblins set up an appointment with a therapist for her.

Ember knew that this was something she needed to do. If she didn't need it to help her get over the problems her childhood had caused then she definitely needed it for killing two men for attacking Pearl. Ember had asked the goblins to arrange the appointment for her.

She knew that the Goblins would get a trustworthy therapist, they would also make sure that the therapist would take a magical oath on their life and magic that they wouldn't talk about anything Ember told her without Ember's permission.

Ember was also doing this because she knew Pearl needed to talk to someone about what happened too. Ember was just doing it first so she could be sure that the therapist would be good for Pearl to talk to. She didn't doubt the Goblins but sometimes you wanted to check things out yourself.

The appointment was set up to last an hour at most and half an hour at the least.

When Ember finished the appointment she made sure to set up another one, one for her and another for Pearl. She made the therapist give another magical oath that she wouldn't talk about things Pearl told her to anything but Pearl or Ember.

Ember wouldn't ask the therapist to tell her anything unless it was serious. Walking out of the Bank she walked over to the building that was being set up for her new shop. It was almost done all that was left to do was some stocking and hiring. She decided to employ some muggle-borns to tend the store.

Ember had also hired several werewolves for security. They were much stronger than a normal witch or wizard and they needed the work. She would be doing the exact same thing when the building in Hogsmead was finally finished. It was taking a bit longer than expected.

That was because Dumbledore was trying to argue against the Goblins building anything on the plot of land that Ember had bought. There was nothing he could do and only recently had he stopped arguing, giving everyone involved his grandfatherly disappointed look.

As if that was going to work on Goblins. Ember didn't even get why he tried that in the first place. Hell, she didn't know why he was so against having a new shop built in Hogsmeade, her shop would attract attention to the small town, and hopefully, more people would come and shop there since it would have a few things there that the store here wouldn't have.

This meant that more people would shop around the town which would help the stores there get more customers that weren't students that only visited once or twice a month.

Ember had a feeling that he was against it because it was new and would introduce new things to the students and the wizarding world. A new store hadn't been opened since the Potters were toddlers. It might have even been before the Potters were even born that a new store had been opened in the wizarding world!

Shaking her head she walked into the building she had hired the Goblins to ward with the best wards they could legally put on a store. Most stores didn't realize that they could have all of those wards up on their stores. Though to be fair not a lot of them would be able to afford the cost for all those wards anyways.

Ember not only had a good relationship with the goblins she also had a couple of vaults full of gallons that she was willing to spend on her shop's security.

Ember's good relationship with the Goblins was the only reason she knew about all the wards. When she mentioned needing to hire them to ward her shops they gave her a list of all the wards they could legally put on hr buildings. They also put the cost for each ward right next to the ward's name.

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