Wedding Delegation

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You were about to get off the horse yourself. Until that is your brother helped you instead. You appreciated the gesture but you felt guilty after riding on his horse when he could've just rode alone.

Now Sir Sonnaught was standing beside Latil and you were standing right beside him.

"We didn't realise you would attend the wedding yourself, your highness." The butler who greeted us said.

"Hyacinth and I are....acquaintances. I wanted to congratulate the new groom in person." Latil answered.

"Ah, of course!" The butler beamed clueless at what their previous relationship truly was. You wondered how he missed the memo when perhaps almost the entire empire knew about it. "He will be overjoyed to hear that you're here, your highness!" Ignorance is bliss I guess.

You felt a deadly aura coming out from Latil that made you unconsciously grab your older brother's cape. You gulped at her reaction. Smiling but if looks could kill someone would be dead by now. 'You have to keep it together.' Both you and your brother thought. Sir Sonnaught had his hand at his mouth and was looking at Latil in fear of her doing something.

"Please follow me." The butler leads you into the palace. Latil in front, Sir Sonnaught behind her, you beside your brother and the rest of the delegation behind the two of you.

You had settled in the room they had given you and you were now wandering around the palace hopelessly lost. You wondered how Latil was doing since she had to pick the bride's gift and prepare to attend the wedding of someone she used to love, all the while mourning about how it was supposed to be her in that place. You really hoped she was alright.

You were about to check a room hoping it was a toilet since you suddenly needed to use one. Only to be greeted by Hyacinth hugging Latil???? Huh????? You backed up and pushed your back to the wall and held your mouth shut with your hand. Some audacity he has to be hugging her like that after everything.

You were deep in thought that made you miss almost the whole conversation but except for one important part. Latil indeed stomped real hard on his foot and that he still loved her. The audacity of this man makes me wonder where he got it.

You decided it was better to leave and not eavesdrop on their conversation any longer. You decided to wander the halls a little bit longer and maybe take a peek at the garden. You were lost in thought which made you bump into someone. This certain someone was quite tall and had a muscular frame. You backed up a bit since you bumped into this person's back while visibly paling.

The man was now looking at you. He had blue eyes and short platinum white hair. You instantly bowed and apologised not exactly knowing who you bumped into but you knew from just the look of him that he was some kind of high standing person. He looked quite pissed off.

"I'm so sorry I should've watched where I was going." You apologised while bowing deeply and shaking a bit.

"Hmm..." He looked at you with a smirk now. You instantly tensed up, thinking about how to get out of this situation.

"Well, excuse me now. I need to be somewhere." Lies. You didn't really need to be anywhere but right now anywhere but here was better. You stopped bowing and walked passed him. Just as you were about to turn a corner you bumped into someone else. Oh come on!

You visibly paled again only to relax a bit when you saw who it was that you bumped in. "Brother!" You beamed at him.

He turned around to you and smiled, ruffling your hair. "Hey there. Why do you look like you just encountered a ghost?"

You sweatdropped at him and told him what happened. He only laughed at your clumsiness and ruffled your hair again. You pouted at him.

You and your brother went to Latil's room when she got back. She looked like she was in a bad mood.

"Latil are you alright?" You asked, concerned also having an idea what might be bothering her. You approached her.

"Are you okay, your highness?" Sir Sonnaught asked with one of his hands raised slightly.

"No..." She really seemed distracted by something. The aura around her was really gloomy.

"I'll let my sister help you change then." Sir Sonnaught bowed.

"Thank you." Latil replied.

"It'll be my pleasure." You smiled at her as your brother walked out of the room. Latil sighed and just when you were about to ask her what was the matter your brother entered the room again.

"Your highness..." He seemed distraught. "Lady Aini is here, and she is requesting an audience. What shall I do?"

"Oh dear... We could always ask her to come back another time if that's what you want, Latil." You told her.

"Please bring her in. I'm here as the leader of our delegation. I can't avoid her forever." Latil sighed.

"Yes, your highness..." Your brother answered and went out to get Lady Aini.

"I'll be taking my leave then Latil." You bowed at her. You were worried about her but you had to give them privacy to talk. You turned around to get out of the room and you saw Lady Aini. She was quite pretty with her ginger hair tied up in a bun. You bowed to her as you walked past her. You closed the door on Latil's room and looked at your brother with worried eyes.

"I'm sure her highness will be fine." He told you.

"I sure do hope so."

this is gonna be the last chap for a while since im off to boarding school tomorrow. Its the start of a new year. Take care yall. Have a nice day/night. This girl here has a whole school year ahead of her;;

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