The Wedding

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Latil didn't come back to her room that night which made you worried. She only turned up to her room the next morning which made you fuss over her.

"Latil where were you last night?" You fussed while doing her hair for the wedding. "Did you go drinking somewhere? I hope nothing happened." You said smelling a faint scent of alcohol on her. She just sweatdropped at your fussing.

At the wedding for some reason the man you bumped into the day before was staring intently at Latil. You were sitting on the chair on the left beside Latil. You paled a bit now that you knew that the person you bumped into was none other than a member of the royal family. You sure hope that he wouldn't recognize a lowly lady in waiting he had bumped into yesterday.

As if he knew you were thinking and hoping he wouldn't remember you, his gaze glazed over for a second only to return to Latil. You swore you could've seen a smirk on his lips. You dropped a hand in your head depressingly.

Your brother only chuckled at your antics, knowing what happened to you yesterday. At least you weren't the only one on this boat. Latil for the lack of better words was trying to avoid his gaze and very obviously so. You wondered what happened to her for her to do so.

Sir Sonnaught bowed down a little and whispered to Latil. "Do you know that man, your highness? He keeps staring at you." Latil sweated.

You leaned in your seat to whisper and join in on the conversation. "Yeah he seems to be really interested in you. Did something happen yesterday that I'm unaware of?"

Latil didn't answer the both of you but you kept pestering her. She kept looking away and covering her face with her hand awkwardly. You didn't realise it but the main topic of your pestering suddenly came over to your table.

He slammed the table which made you jump and grab your brother's cape. "Drop the act." He was leaning against his hand on the table with his other hand on the back of Latil's chair. "Now.. Why don't we get to know each other a little?"

He looked over to you which made you visibly flinch and clutch your brother's cape even harder now. "Also aren't you the one who bumped into me yesterday?" He smirked. You sweated nervously not knowing what to do but luckily he didn't seem to have much interest in you as he did with Latil. You felt your brother put his hand protectively on yours that was still clutching his cape. He faced Latil again. You felt your brother put his hand protectively on yours that was still clutching his cape.

"We have much to discuss--" He was stopped by a gloved hand suddenly making its entrance in his view. It was your brother who was slightly blocking the man from Latil. You didn't realise it but before that he had gently taken his cape out of your grip to walk over to Latil. Overprotective much?

"Sir, may I ask who you are?" Sir Sonnaught asked as Latil was sweating in between them.

The man smirked. "My name is Klein Abisinaugh Karisen." He put a hand on his chest. "I am a prince of Karisen. Your jaw almost dropped. Out of everyone you had to bump into it just had to be the prince of Karisen. Latil didn't seem to be any better than you, her reaction was actually worse.

"My name is Latrasil Valentine Tarium. I am a princess of Tarium and the leader of the imperial delegation." Latil smoothly said as if nothing bothered her. Despite that you could see that she was sweating. "Karisen is a beautiful place, Prince Klein."

"Ah, yes." Klein smiled. "It's also warm enough to sleep outdoors for most of the year." You tilted your head in confusion at his statement. You were wondering why he would make such a remark.

"But it's not recommended, is it?" Latil giggled. "One could easily catch a cold!" You and Sir Sonnaught looked at Latil's laughing form as if she had just sprouted several heads. This whole conversation certainly is weird at the very least.

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