Assassinated & Suffering

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You thought you would be able to get some rest when you just got back but shocking news was heading your way at fast speed shipping. Latil told you that her father, the emperor, had broken the news to her. It seems that her older brother, Raean has stepped down as heir to the throne.

At first she was shocked and furious. It turned out he had wanted to become a great prophet. Talk about changing careers in the late game. Latil was originally panicking and furious at the thought that maybe Thula would become the next heir but it turned out her father had appointed her as the next one. Which made her confused at first but she learned to accept it later.

Latil was on her bed thinking real hard about what just happened earlier. She was gritting her teeth and biting on her lip.

"Latil stop gritting your teeth and biting your lip. It'll bleed." You said as you prepared a bath for her and for her to change her clothes.


"Well... It's not too late to learn more now, Latil." You crouched in front of her and gently took her hands in yours. "Besides, his highness is still in good health. You still have time. And I'll help you every step of the way." You smiled.

"Y/n...." She smiled at you. "Thank you.... Let's work hard. I'll have to push myself harder than ever before to catch up with my brother"

With that you had helped Latil with everything she needed. She tutored with the most knowledgeable scholars, she held audience with the notable nobles, she studied really hard on her own reviewing her studies and learning how to do the, she would spar with the knights at the training grounds beating most of them and she would also ride on her horse keeping balance as she went. You managed to get your brother to promise you to teach you how to horse ride when he was free while you were watching Latil.

Two years had passed since Latil had been appointed as the next heir by his highness. Currently you were tidying up Latil's room and making preparations for when she would get back. She was at the temple meeting with Raean and you wanted to make sure her room was tidy when she got back so she would be able to rest as soon as possible.

You were mindlessly cleaning the place up, humming a tune as you went along and dusted the place until you heard a real loud scream. Right after that scream it was as if the palace had been thrown into chaos. You were startled by the sounds wondering what had happened. 

You slowly poked your head out of Latil's room. You could see the servants scrambling about screaming and shouting. And for some sort of reason you could see Thula's private army soldiers running about to. You decided you had seen enough and as quietly as quickly as you could, you closed the door and locked it.

You didn't know what was happening but your gut told you it was nothing good. Just then you heard someone shout "THE EMPEROR'S BEEN ASSASSINATED."

No way..... How could he be assassinated.... Your eyes widened in horror. You started fidgeting around again and started panicking. Maybe that's why Thula's private army was in the palace. He was taking over the place. You decided it would be a good idea to block the door so you with your very tiny amount of strength pushed Latil's couch to the door blocking it off. 

You then grabbed a candlestick as a weapon to protect yourself with. You proceeded to hide yourself behind the changing divider in the room. You were shaking real badly but you were 100% gonna hit whoever lays their hands on you. Blunt force trauma for the win.

For a while the room went undisturbed. It was eerily quiet. The only thing you could hear was your short breaths and the shuffling and screaming outside of the room. Just when you are lost in your thoughts the door handle to the room starts rattling.

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