chapter 10

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Ailee was all dressed up, looking gorgeous as ever.
She nervously looked at herself in the mirror worrying about all the people that would be there.

She already promised Xavier that she will attend his party plus she wanted to meet him before he leaves so she can't back out either.

Sighing she put on her sparkly stilettos and moved downstairs to meet up with her family.

As soon as she reached the last step she was engulfed in a hug from Alex.
"Surprise baby sister." He said holding her tightly.

She laughed, hugging him back with the same energy.

"You came back." she said smiling ear to ear.

"Yes. Did you miss me?". he asked, holding her at an arm's distance.

"No" she said and burst into laughter seeing his fake hurt expressions.

"Ouch" he said, placing his hand on his heart.

"What is happening here?" came the voice of Gigi from the stairs.

"About time you show up Miss Jungle." Alex said, opening his arms for her.

"You are back for what?" She said walking right in his arms and then smiling.

"I knew you all must be dying in my absence so I came to your rescue." he said looking serious.

" Yeah of course. We wouldn't have survived till tomorrow I bet." Gigi said dryly.

Mila also came down rolling her eyes.

"Iris baby, we're getting late." her mama called from the bottom of the staircase.

"I'm here." she said half running on the stairs while putting on her earrings.

"Ok now that we all are here let's go." their dad announced and they all went into their respective cars.


"That is some real fancy shit" said Mila while reapplying her red lipstick.

They were at the gate of the mansion where the party was held.
Ailee kept fidgeting with her bracelet, knowing all too well what awaits her.

The only thing that was providing her comfort was the company of her family.

"C'mon Ailee hold onto my arm and don't let go ok?" she nodded looking thankfully at Alex.

"I am happy that you're trying Ailee but what suddenly made you change your mind?" asked her mama.

"Nothing mama, I just felt like joining you all today." she smiled nervously.

" Ok and whenever you feel uncomfortable just let any one of us know and we'll leave hmm?"

" Yes mama, thank you." She felt so lucky to have a family as supporting as hers.

" y'all we didn't come here to just check out the exterior of the venue and leave you know?" Alex said, looking at his watch.

" Yeah yeah let's head inside."

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