chapter 11

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It's been three days since Xavier came to Russia and he only talked to Ailee once.

He didn't get the time to. He was trying to complete his job in a way that no loose ends will be left because if they did he will have some trouble in future.

There were times when he felt like leaving everything and talking to her but it was nothing he couldn't control. Years of experience you see.

He was currently going to his office from his penthouse when he was informed about the cars tailing him.

"Sir we are being followed."

"Try to shake them off." Xavier said, closing his eyes and resting his head on the headrest. He didn't get much sleep these past days so, he was too tired to care about anything at the moment.

"Sir we tried but they look very familiar with this area." replied his guard who was seated in the passenger seat.

"Fuck it. Kill them all." he replied angrily, taking out his gun from the seat compartment. The sooner he deals with this shit, the better it would be.

The car took a rapid turn and Xavier leaned out of his car window shooting the tires of the incoming cars perfectly. His security team is doing their jobs as well. He sat back inside and waited for the car to stop.

Once all the cars came to a stop, some even meeting gruesome accidents because of their fast speed, Xavier and all his guards along with the attackers came out all armed.

Someone from the back of the opposite group fired a bullet at Xavier but oh if he wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest.
But he did stumble back due to the force and his eyes turned so dark it could put Lucifer to shame.

He knew that man will be the only man alive when they leave this place because he was going to pay for what he did and Xavier doesn't keep favors instead he tends to repay them by tenfold.

Soon it was raining bullets. The only sounds heard were either coming from guns or the agonizing screams of its victims.

The place was in ruins. Dead bodies, ripped limbs, used bullets, empty guns, anything that is capable of traumatizing a normal human for life.

Undoubtedly it was Xavier who was responsible for tearing apart the limbs of the intruders who were foolish enough to mess with him.
He was given every type of knife as his toy when he was supposed to play with cars and other children of his age so he was almost unbeatable in this game.

By the time it was over, that is 20 minutes later give or take, there were only four casualties in his group while the other had no one alive but the person who dared to enrage the beast of a man.

He was forced to watch all his comrades die very painfully then he was dragged towards his doom as well.

Xavier had a severe gash on his arm but his face remained passive, another thing he is used to from the beginning.


He walked in his office building unfazed by the horrified looks he was receiving from all his employees which was understandable because he was covered in blood and everyone was pretty sure it wasn't his. Well that makes it a hundred times more terrifying, it will be like walking on eggshells when he's around.

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