chapter 31

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"You sure this is the place?" Luka asked.

Xavier didn't reply and kept moving ahead towards a small house.

When he entered, there was his team of twelve guards all stationed at their places and a man sitting on the chair coughing blood after getting pummelled.

"Is he who I think he is?" Luka asked.

Nodding Xavier stood in front of him and took off his jacket handing it over to one of his men.

"You dragged me all the way from the airport after an eleven hour long ass flight to this? I'm disappointed man, you no my bestie anymore"

"Shut the fuck up Luka and get on with it"

"This is child abuse" He murmured and punched the middle aged man in the face multiple times.

"The one you gave the city land to, who's that person?" he asked calmly.

"I told you I don't know. I was offered more money and I did what any human would" he spit the blood and shakily replied.

"We both know you're lying and I will not ask so nicely again. Who. was. that. person."

" I don't-"

" Wrong-fucking-answer"

He gestured to Luka to continue and sat down on the sofa comfortably watching the other man scream in agony.

Luka smiled devilishly and picked up a plucker and took a hold of his hand. He started counting,
"One, Two, Three, Ten oops-"

The man couldn't even blink when suddenly his nail was pulled out by Luka who stood there smiling innocently, his hands holding his nail and blood dripping from it.

"Sorry it's been a couple of decades since I did counting like that so forgive me for that slip up"

There was no end to his screams and crying, even when he said he was ready to give them the name Luka only ever stopped after he was stripped of all five of his nails of one hand.

He was enjoying it too much to just stop like that.

Xavier got up and bent down to his level staring him right in the eye

"I-I was con-contacted by-by a man named Dino. He said he would send me to P-Paris and get me women and a house there as well"

"Tell me more about this Dino. Have you met him before?"

" No, we talked on the phone and I received cash payments through courier."

"That's all?"

" Yes sir. I'm so sorry, please let me go. I have a fiance"

" Bastard still wanted whores in Paris. Asshole" Luka scoffed.

" Kill him"

" No wait wait- Santiago knows him, his face. Now please let me go"

Xavier took the gun from the hands of Enzo and put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger, effectively killing him on the spot while the poor man scratched his hand and thrashed around in his seat but to no avail.

He wiped the little blood that splashed on him and walked out, half of the people following him and half staying back to take care of the mess.

"So Santiago?"

"Yeah but not today I have an important appointment"

"With a certain person who apparently loves chocolates?"

"Might be"

"Did somebody tell you?" he stopped and put his hand on his shoulder and asked him, looking serious.

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