chapter 44

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Ailee yawned and stretched her arms only to feel them getting blocked by something. She tapped her palms over the surface and before she could realise what it was, a hand was wrapped around both her wrists and a wet kiss was placed on her palms.

Oh it was a face. Hehe.

She peeled open an eye and saw herself buried in Xavier's side while he sat and worked on his laptop. He was wearing the same clothes from before so she guessed he didn't wake up a lot earlier.

"Morning" he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Mmm morning" she mumbled and closed her eyes again. A deep chuckle left his mouth and he rubbed his nose on her cheek softly.

"Don't you want to go home?" He asked and picked her up on his lap after putting away his laptop.

"I do but I don't want to get up. It's so cold"

"Come on. Eat your breakfast and then I'll take you home" he carried her to the bathroom and sat her down on the counter.

He handed over a brush with toothpaste to her and did the same himself. He wanted to give her as much time as he could before leaving.

Today is going to be a long day for him and a last one for someone else.

Ailee lazily brushed her teeth and washed her face all with the help of her boyfriend.

"I hate mornings Zai" she said it for the hundredth time ever since they met.

"I know" he said and led her outside by hand to the private dining hall which had breakfast ready for them.

All of her family were already present there and were waiting for the both of them to show up.

"Papa" Ailee ran up to him who engulfed her in a tight hug.

"My little princess" he said, feeling relief wash over him when he saw her in a much better mood.

"Lily, baby, come and let's eat" her mother called out softly and placed a plate of pancakes with lots of chocolate syrup and fruits on the table for her.

Ailee nodded and sat next to Xavier who was sipping on his typical black coffee.

At first, everyone talked on several light topics but the unspoken tension kept rising every minute.

Their surroundings were a painful reminder of why they were here and what had happened the previous night.

Juliana sat on Emma's left side and kept a close eye on her to make sure she eats well and doesn't do anything stupid and their father sat on her right. Only yesterday night Emma was sobbing in her lap saying it was all her fault.

The parents felt helpless looking at their children in so much pain but they were also glad to see them have each other's back. They took care of Ailee and haven't left Emma alone even for a few minutes.

Ailee couldn't eat more than two pancakes and put away her plate to the side. Xavier furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her in disapproval.

"Eat more" he commanded, gaining the attention of everyone. He was just like that, no matter how quietly he speaks or moves, the attention will automatically be drawn towards him.

"I can't. I'm full, look?" She fisted her shirt from the back to show a tiny bump on her stomach.

Xavier shook his head and pushed the plate in front of her.

"One more" he said firmly, leaving no room for argument.

She groaned but slowly ate it and lifted the plate near her face.

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