chapter 21

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Mila was sitting on Ailee's bed when she entered.

"I thought you'd stay out for the night" Ailee jumped in return, unaware of her sister's presence.

"You are not sleeping?"

"Naah I was too hyped up to sleep. Tell me what happened? Where'd you two go? Is he treating you right?" she let it all out in one breath.

Ailee giggled at her excitement. It was almost four in the morning and she was still full of energy.

"Okay. So we went to stargaze somewhere outside the city and he treated me better than I could've imagined, setting my standards so high." she began shyly, sitting down next to her with a pillow on her lap.

Mila grinned, nodding her head enthusiastically.

"Out of the city? No wonder it took you so long to come back."

"Yes I wanted to gaze but the destination was chosen by him and it was the most beautiful thing ever for Mila. Though I'm a little guilty that I took away his resting hours from him."

"That is so sweet of him really but did it look like he wanted to stay at home relaxing instead?"
Her tone changed from gushing to worry.

" No no he reassured me that it was okay and he will be fine but I still feel a little selfish."

"Hmm it's not bad Ailee don't fret over it okay? He is a grown man and he knows what he is doing besides it was just one night."

She nodded not knowing what to say.

"Anything else that happened that you're not spilling out?" she teased nudging her shoulder.

"What? No!" Ailee replied almost too quickly.

"It doesn't look like nothing happened but I'll leave you to it." she said, yawning.

She just sat there watching her sister leave and sighed in relief.

She didn't want to lie but she also didn't want to share their private moments with anyone. It was meant for the both of them only and it would be better if it stays like this.

She quickly washed her face and lied down feeling giddy with happiness. Everyday she spent with him somehow got added up in her list of best days.

Soon sleep consumed her but one thought remained on her mind- Oh he's so perfect.


Next few days went by in a blur Xavier was caught up with his project, frequently visiting the site making sure everything went the way he had planned or dragging himself from one meeting to another that he preponed in order to make some free time in the next month.

Xavier was planning to introduce Luka to Ailee because the fucker hadn't stopped bugging him about it and partially because he is his brother and he would've told him later anyway.
Of Course he hasn't given him a hint yet but he had already talked with his Coco to make sure she was fine with the arrangement.

She was just a little nervous. What if he doesn't like me or what if I embarrass myself? she said. He wanted to laugh at the former one. If only she knew how much of a fan he already is of hers she wouldn't be worrying like this. And about making herself embarrassed, he knows she will be alright, she is better than she thinks of herself.

He left for his house after checking everything once again. The weather today was really bad. It had been gloomy all day, sometimes rain hammered down making it even worse.

Ailee must be in the office too, he thought.

He called her after sitting in his car, it has become his routine to call her when he leaves from his office and sometimes go straight to her house for a quick meeting and a hug and just maybe for her shy peck on his cheek.

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