chapter 12

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Xavier woke up after a three hour sleep. It was still dark outside as it was still too early.

He got out of the bed and freshened up then hit the gym.

After an intense workout he got ready for work. Today he'll be visiting a new restaurant that he was considering buying but it was in another city hence he was up extra early to get done with it without disturbing the rest of his schedule.

His doctor was already waiting for him downstairs to look at his injury and after getting his wound patched up, this time by a professional, he left.

He sighed in exhaustion after settling in the back of his Bentley Mulsanne. He barely slept for eighteen hours in total since he came here. He decided to stop by a restaurant to have a good breakfast since he skipped dinner last night like the past two days.

He was served with Ponchiki (Donut Holes), Sharlotka (Apple Cake), some sandwiches and coffee.

While eating, his gaze fell on his bracelet and thought of calling her. Now that he has time till he reaches his destination he can talk to her freely.

He immediately called her number and waited while savoring the sweet delicacies.

"Xavier hi!" Came her upbeat voice from the other end.

"Hello Coco, you seem a little too energetic for night time." he replied already in a better mood.

"Yes! You know, me and my sisters and Alex were having a pillow fight just now. I got cornered by them and somehow escaped and now I am currently hiding from them on the rooftop-"

She paused and suddenly started to take deep breaths. He was about to ask what was wrong but she spoke again

"I'm sorry I tend to ramble a lot when I'm excited. You tell me how are you doing there?" she replied blushing in embarrassment and speaking considerably low.

"You can be yourself around me ok? No need to apologize, besides someone got to fill up the silence in between right?" he said seriously.

" Yes okay, Xavier" she replied not feeling embarrassed anymore.

"And for that question of yours I think I am doing kind of okay." he replied getting up and moving towards his car.

" You don't sound ok at all, it's like you're very tired. Are you not resting well?" She asked worriedly.

" My work doesn't give me much freedom to rest and eat properly Coco." he said, gesturing to his driver to start driving.

"Work is work Xavier and health is health, you must take some rest regardless ok?"

"Yes ma'am" he said, amused by her bossy attitude. If it had been any other person to speak to him like that they probably be already eaten by his dogs after twenty four hours of excruciating pain from torture but it was different when it comes to her and also because she was concerned about his health.

"So what are you doing now?" she asked.

"Just had my breakfast and now on my way to work." he said looking out of the window.

"Oh. How long will it take for you to come back?"

"Probably a week more. Why? You missing me?" he whispered the last sentence teasingly.

" Uh no- yes I mean- ughhh Xavierrrrrrrr you know it's going to sound not right." she said blushing profusely.

He smiled fully, almost chuckling at her adorable-ness.

"Alright alright. Tell me how are you then?"

" Mmmm good. "

" Gotchaaaaa" he heard someone yell in her background and then it was all so chaotic. He couldn't understand anything. There were laughter, screaming, and arguments on the other side but everytime he heard her laughing, a ghost of a smile would appear on his face too. He already figured that she must have gotten caught.

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