chapter 32

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"I could have my Gucci on
I could wear my Louis Vuitton
But even with nothin' on
Bet I made you look" sang Gigi while looking through the numerous shelves of clothings.

" Ma, try this on" Emma said, passing on a violet silk dress to their mother.

She wore it and came back outside and all the girls whistled and clapped their hands hyping their mother.

She truly looked beautiful. No one would believe that she is a mother of six. Her well maintained body, healthy hair and innocence on her face made her look so much younger.

"Dad's gonna faint bro" Mila hooted.

Juliana blushed and hit her playfully on the shoulder. Only Emma, Iris and their mother purchased dresses; the rest of them claimed to already have an outfit ready for tonight.

They paid and headed to the jewelry showroom next.

They all went inside and immediately the manager came out to attend them personally.

"Welcome Mrs Laurent and ladies" he said, shaking her hand and nodding towards the girls.

"What type would you prefer?" he asked them politely.

" Umm we want something elegant you know but not too flashy" Gigi explained.

" Alright. Shall I show you the special collection?" he asked while leading them to the room for VIPs.

"Yes, that would be great," replied Mila.

He left and brought catalogs with him. They went through them and selected a few. Iris couldn't find something for her wrist so she was recommended to design one for herself. They gave her a booklet for inspiration and she liked one very much.

"I want this," she immediately said.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we can't until we get the permission from the owner of the design"

"And who is that?" she whined.

The manager looked at Ailee and smiled.

"Ms Ailee"

Ailee paled hearing this and everyone turned to look at her.

She came here? When? With whom? She never goes out let alone shop - were the questions rising in everyone's mind.

"I-umm got one urgently because I had nothing suitable to wear for the party at Mr Romano's......" she trailed off.

Iris gasped looking at her wrist.

"It's so beautiful how come I never noticed this on you Lily?" she said, holding her hand and inspecting the bracelet closely.

Ailee shrugged and released a sigh of relief.

"I don't know I've been wearing it everyday"

Iris nodded thoughtfully but then spoke,
" But why does it have an X engraved on it? It's customized so it can't be a mistake, can it?"

Her relief turned into an oncoming panic attack. She wrecked her brain for a believable lie and finally found a lame one.

"Umm it's for a kiss you know....for myself. It just came to my mind" she said, laughing nervously.

No one thought of it much and moved on while Mila nudged her shoulder smirking like a mad woman.

"It's alright I guess. What's hers is mine and what's mine is well...... mine I'mma wear it tonight Lily thanks" she said and smiled sweetly.

Ailee couldn't reply and just nodded at the end.

"How come the manager knows me?" she whispers in Mila's ear.

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