chapter 60

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The loud ticks of the clock echoed in the silent room and the anxious man sitting on the couch tapped his finger impatiently.

“I mean yeah, I get your point that you are confident in confronting her face to face but what if she just bang-bang us up before we could even start talking like decent humans?” Luka said, making gun gestures with his hand.

Xavier was standing by the window looking out at the garden, where he had some of the best memories of his childhood, while slowly twisting the finger ring he had on his pinky finger.

When he dropped Ailee at her house she took him inside her room and held him in her arms, refusing to let him go.

But after consoling her for another hour she finally agreed and made him wear one of her rings even though it wasn't big enough for his ring finger.

Xavier didn't pay attention to Luka’s blabbering as he was doing it for the past forty minutes.

He knew Luka was so on the edge because of him and how it would affect him on an overall basis.

Xavier was impassive but his emotions would slip through his actions and if that happens, hundreds of people will be impacted by that.

Luka sighed in frustration and shut the laptop off before storming towards him.

“Yo bro, listen. Why don't we just stay at the hotel as I suggested and come back here tomorrow, huh?” he asked, putting his hand on his shoulder.

“Yeah, you can leave but be here by nine tomorrow” he dismissed him and went outside, lighting up a cigarette.

He wasn't a smoker but right now situations called for a bit of intoxication.

Luka watched him leave and punched the air in frustration.
“God, I swear if this place turns out to be haunted, I am going to bang-bang everything up”

He left for the room near Xavier's on the ground floor.

Igor didn't join them here because it would remind him of his mother so he decided to meet up with everyone the next day.

New cameras were installed along with some sensory ones all around the property, leaving no blind spots. Not even the bathrooms.

Xavier also had it checked that the place wasn't bugged and found quite a few devices hidden in the usable rooms and halls.

He strolled inside around midnight and lied down after changing into a fresh pair of clothes.

He was almost asleep when his door slowly creaked open and in a flash he was aiming the gun at the intruder’s head.

“Woah woah woah- brother-" Luka screamed.

“The fuck are you doing here?" Xavier grumbled, putting the gun back under his pillow.

Luka sent a quick prayer to the Lord because knowing Xavier, he probably would've pulled the trigger in a moment's delay.

“I… uh… was-”

" Hurry the fuck up, Luka”

" I thought you would not be able to sleep so I came to check, yeah that”

“With a pillow and a blanket?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Luka looked down at himself and shrugged.

“I was sleeping before you barged in, now get out" he pushed Luka out while he protested and resisted.

“What?" Xavier sighed in frustration.

“Come on Zaddy Zai, I will sleep here just in case you start having nightmares. I can sacrifice myself for one night but no sharing of pillows or blanket" He was already settled on the right side of the bed while Xavier remained holding the door knob, processing everything.

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