Getting sick at school ~ Junhoe

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Okay, don't know why this didn't show up when I first published this sooooo, yeah. But never the less. Hello my name is Mowse and this is my first K-POP sickfics and hurtfic. I can't make any promises that this book will be updated properly because I have commitment issues, most of the time. Maybe not for this. WHO KNOWS??? So yeah, just enjoy this complete mess of ✨fanfiction✨.


((TW - Vomit))

The clock dreadfully neared the end of second period. Junhoe focused on calming his stomach down before then.

This morning Junhoe woke up with a misplaced pain in his lower abdomen, throughout the school day the pain increased. Now it was full blown trying not to puke over here, sort of deal. His gym teacher, Mr. Choi, wasn't going to let him slide if he asked to go to the nurse. Mr. Choi assumed all students that asked to go were just trying to skip his class. And he wasn't half wrong. But Junhoe really didn't feel well.

Junhoe was so immersed in his thinking that he didn't notice the bell going off, he only saw students get up to file out the door. Groning, he grabbed his books and shuffled out.

Donghyuk was waiting by his locker, luckily both of them had gym together.

"You look pale Ju-ne-ya." He said with a concerned face as Junhoe put his things in his locker.

"Surprise!" He answered sarcastically.

Donghyuk put a hand on his shoulder and spun him to face the male.

"I'm not joking." He said sternly.

Junhoe rolled his eyes and shook Donghyuk's hand off.

"Just let me be."

Donghyuk ran to chase the boy who had already started to head to the gymnasium.

"You shouldn't do class if you don't feel good."

"Dong! I'm fine, I'm good, I'm ok-" Junhoe started to gag as he felt his stomach contents rise in his throat. He ran to the bathroom and leaned over a toilet.

Donghyuk ran in just as Junhoe finished vomiting.

"Are you okay?" He ran over and rested a hand on the boy's back and rubbed it gently.

"Ya, I'm fine." Junhoe used his hands to push him up from the ground. He gript Donghyuk's shoulders to steady himself from being dizzy.

"I can tell Mr. Choi, you got sick and couldn't make it to class." Donghyuk offered, obviously not convinced by Junhoe's words.

"I'm really fine."

Donghyuk nodded and guided the boy to class just as the bell rang.

"What took you so long! I almost passed in my attendance!" Mr. Choi yelled at the boy's as they walked in.

"Sorry!" Both boy's bowed.

"Well let's start differently today instead of two laps, let's make it five laps!" The teacher said with a smirk, as he saw Junhoe grimace.

"Make it seven for Mr. Kim and Mr. Koo for thinking they can skip laps."

Donghyuk got done with his laps quickly, while Junhoe struggled to keep up at the end.

Junhoe's vision got blurry during the third lap and he started to drag even more.

"Junhoe-ya!" The male heard as he toppled to the ground.

Donghyuk yelled and ran over.

"Oh, get up!" Mr. Choi yelled from the sidelines, not even going over to check if his student was okay.

Donghyuk knew that what he was about to do could get him into serious trouble with the company and the school.

He picked up Junhoe bridal style and ran out the gym's double doors.

"Mr. Kim!" He heard the teacher yell in rage.

"Hang in there buddy." He whispered to the fainted male.

"DK." He heard Junhoe whisper.

"I'm here." The male whispered back in a comforting tone.

"I-It h-hurts."

"Okay, hold on."

Donghyuk bursted through the nurses office doors and ran Junhoe over to a trash can, who immediately threw up.

"What's happening!" The nurse ran in. "Oh sweetie." Her face changed and she calmly walked over to Junhoe.

"What happened?" She looked at Donghyuk.

"He threw up in the bathroom, and fainted in gym class." He explained.

"Oh," She looked down at Junhoe who had stopped vomiting and was painting. "Let's get you some help sweetie."

She reached down and offered a hand which Junhoe graciously grabbed. She helped him up and walked him over to a chair to rest.

"Ju-ne-ya!" Jinhwan ran over to Junhoe. "Are you okay?"

Donghyuk had eventually gone back to gym class after he knew that someone was coming to get Junhoe.

"I'm fine Jay-hyung." Junhow said in a raspy voice.

"Come on, let's get you home."

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