Overworking ~ Yunhyeong

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Hello everyone, it's me. Hello. Hi. Hola. Halo. Bonjour. Annyeong. Um this one's going to be InTEreStInG. Have fun I guess. (This is pretty boring.)


Yunhyeong POV:

I stared blankly out of the window. My members' voices fading into the background. My stomach flipped with every bump and pothole in the road.

I had been feeling a bit uncomfortable the past week, but brushed it off as tiredness. I mean, of course I was tired. I was an idol for crying out loud.

Last time I had a well rested sleep was when Jinhwan-hyung had forced me to sleep after our last comeback. I had made one fatal mistake, and that was letting the members know that I was tired. Not this time.


I snapped my head around in search of the owner's voice.

Chanwoo was looking back at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Are you okay?" He responded.

I put on my best offended face I could manage.

"What would make you think that?"

He shrugged and turned around.

I turned my focus back to the window. Had I really made it obvious I was in pain? I mean, I wasn't in that much pain. It only felt like my insides were trying to digest themselves.

Finally the van pulled up to YGE Building. I sighed as I climbed out.

The fresh air made my stomach cramp less.


I jumped as someone roughly placed their hands on my shoulders.

"Someone's being a little extra jumpy." The voice remarked.

I rolled my eyes and shook him off.

"Can't you see I'm not in the mood?" I snapped back causing Bobby to back away with his hands up.

"Jeez, sorry." He apologized.

I felt a little bit of guilt as Bobby walked away shamefully even though he had done nothing wrong.

A cold wind sent shivers down my spine.

"Why are you shivering hyung?" Chanwoo asked me.

"Oh my god!" I yelled, finally reaching my breaking point. "I'm fine' what do you guys not understand!"

Everyone looked at me, shocked. Their perfect little Yunhyeong-hyung, the housewife of the group. Yelling at his precious little Jung Chanwoo. Something didn't add up?

That's when I felt it. My guts rising right out of my mouth. I clamped my hand over my face and ran. I flung open the door and ran sleight for bathrooms.

I harshly expelled my insides not making it to the toilet fast enough. I couldn't stop, there was too much to get rid of. I heaved on to the floor. Everything hurts. My head's pounding, and my legs want to give away. My stomach by now wouldn't stop cramping up.


I let out a whimper, hoping they could hear it over my excessive barfing.

Finally after standing hunched over, my feet finally gave out. I braced myself by putting my hands out so I didn't land in my vomit.

Before I completely fell I felt someone's hands around my waist.

"I have you, I have you."

I looked up, dry heaving at this point. Mino was looking back at me through his blonde hair.

"I have you Yun, don't worry." He said, with a smile. "Your members are looking for you."

I shook my head. They couldn't find out. Jinhwan-hyung would surely lecture me again about my health, or even worse make me miss a couple days to rest up.

Mino just laughed. "Yunnie, you need to see them. Bobby and Jinhwan, and probably the rest of your members just want to see that you're okay. I remember once when Jinwoo-hyung got sick and he ran away from us during dancing. All of us just wanted to find him and make sure that he was okay."

"Thank you. Hyung." I said, my voice raspy from throwing up. "Sh-Should I text them."

"Too late I already did."

"Song Yunhyeong!" I looked behind Mino who had situated me to sit in front of him.

Jinhwan-hyung came storming down the hallway, He was dragging both maknaes behind him.

"Oh my gosh, you have no idea how nervous we were. First we checked all the bathrooms, because any sensible person would go there." Jinhwan started.

I nodded my head.

"It's because you're overworking yourself isn't it. That's why you're sick."

I nodded my head shamefully.

"Well that;'s okay, we have a couple of days off anyways." Hyung smiled.

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