Sensory Overload ~ Junhoe

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Hello y'all, sorry this took so long to publish. I've been busy, I'm a person Thank you for all the reads! I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I honestly didn't expect this book to get this many reads. Thank you to the people how have read this book. My goal for the new year (I know a little early) is to publish more consecutively. Maybe I'll have a little surprise story on the 25th. *wink wink* Thank you!!!!

((Sensory Overload))

((TW - anxiety attack))


Junhoe POV:

The same dark shadow followed me down the street. Donghyuk-hyung and Chanwoo are busy entertaining themselves to notice my discomfort. Growing up I had been diagnosed with social anxiety. Along with the anxiety part came my uneasiness or awkwardness in new areas. I just guess as well that after some unknown amount of time people just forget things. Sometimes I enjoy that no one really ever stops me haft was through something and asks.

"Hey Junhoe, how are you feeling?"

"Anything wrong idiot? You seem sad."

"Hey hyung why do you look Yunhyeong-hyung when he loses at Fortnite?"

"Ju-ne-ya, you seem a bit distracted?"

I know that they're trying to help though. It just doesn't always to the thing they think it does.

"Hey hyung!" Chanwoo ran up to me. "Do you want to go into that store?"

I looked over to were he was pointing. A small yellow building with bright neon green awnings.

'Not the ugliest color combination. But definitely not the best.'

"Yeah sure, I mean if you want to." I mumbled, not really hoping to go into it. 

"Oh, I don't. Dong wanted to." He said.

"Alright then I guess so."

Boy that was a BIG mistake.

The second I stepped through the entrance I was hit with a thousand different noises and smell. Everything was so much more than it had been outside.

"Ch-Chan, I-I uh," I turned expecting to see a copy of Yunhyeong's face, but instead was met with a wall. "C-Chan?"

My hands started to sweat as I scanned over the crowd for either one of my members.

I felt a little tug on my coat.

"Excuse me sir," I looked down. A little girl was looking back up at me. "Do you know where the bathroom is?" She asked.

My brain froze. Everything inside of me glitched. I felt myself tightening up when the little girl grabbed myself. It was all too much. Everything was turned up. Tears trickled down my face as I crouched into a sitting position.

The little girl watched me with big eyes. She slowly backed up and let go of my hand.

I hid my face in my hands. Everything was packed tightly around me.


The shadow was back. Looming over me like how a dog would protect its family.

"Please," I whimpered. "Please."

"Hey, hey look at me."

I could feel someone rest their hand on my knee. It was a light touch. Nothing too forceful. 

I slowly lifted my eyes out of my hands. Donghyuk was standing in front of me. He was wearing one of his sunshine smiles.

I looked past him at the busy store, insistently shoving my face back into my cupped hands.

"Look at me, look at me. Nothing else, just me." Donghyuk whispered.

I focused on his voice blocking out every thing other then that.

"Great job," He cooed when I lifted my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I sniffled. By now my tears had mostly stopped. Only a few trickling here and there.

"Do you wanna leave?" Dong asked me.

I nodded as he helped me stand up. Donghyuk-hyung placed one of his hands on my shoulder as we walked out.

Before the door closed I caught I glimpse of the little girl from before hand.

"Hello hyung? Are you okay now?" Chanwoo asked me once we got outside.

"I called our manager already." Dong explained. "Hes sent us a van to come pick us up."

I just nodded and walked over to a bench in front of the store.

"The weirdest thing happened to me when we were in there." Chanwoo started as he sat down next to me. "A little girl came up to me and told me that one of my friends was crying at the front of the store."

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