Broken Collarbone/Arm ~ Jinhwan (Dance Practice) REDO

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Hey y'all, how's it going. Wattpad had glitch moment where is saved the new part by extended soo, ya. Anyways. Went to the iKON concert, fangirled my little heart outhad fun with ikonics. Learned that Bobby and Chan didn't know what a lake was in English. And that DK sounds American. 👍 Better news I've decided to make a new fanfic. But umm, it's a ff mash-up of Stray Kids and iKON becuase why not. I might release an introduction to the book tomorrow morning... or later to night because sleeping is overrated and I haven't given you guys any updates because school and life sucks sometimes. I also never got metion that this book reached over 150 readers with only like four stories (two in the process of being published) tbh I didn't even think this story was going to surpass 100 at the max! 😅! Byeeeee!!!!!!


Jinhwan's POV

I pulled my arm across my chest, as I listened to our dance supervisor explained part of our dance. Because in this part of the choreo I'm supposed to jump off of a lift we'll have on the stage and land in Junhoe's arms.

Doing this could be risky if we rush the jump and something happens. So for that reason we have to take things at a slower pace.

I wasn't worried about doing any hard core moves in this dance. Me, Donghyuk, and Junhoe have all taken private lessons in tumblinging and acrobatics.

"After Junhoe sets you down, I would like it if you would give him a fist bump. Or some sort of high-five." Our Supervisor explained, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Junhoe looked over at me.

"You good Jinani hyung?" He asked me.

I placed on a confident smile and nodded.

Our Supervisor turned his back to us and called to the rest of our members.

"Alright boys! Let's take it from the top and do the tricks this time." He called.

I kept my smile as I walked over to my starting spot. I was only a little bit nervous because I knew that Donghyuk had struggled in the past with tumblinging.

"No, he's gonna be fine." I reassured myself.

On his way over to his spot, Donghyuk glanced at me and I smiled.

He returned the smile and turned around.

Once the music started I played the countdown in my head of when to move. Every piece of movement had to be precise in this dance to please our managers.

"견제," Bobby started, and I ran.

A split second later, so did Donghyuk. A million thoughts swarmed in my head of possibilities that could happen because of our difference in time.

'Calm down Jinani." I reminded myself.



I blinked, confused

"Wha-t" I was cut off by a wave of pain erupting from my shoulder.

I wanted to yell out in pain but all I managed was a whimper.

Junhoe and Chanwoo came into view with worried expressions.

I let the tears roll down my face as the two of them said something.

"Hyung?" Chanwoo asked.


"What hurts?"

At that moment I was so thankful I had caring members.

"Sh-should-er." I half whispered half whined.

Both of them frowned and whispered something to each other again.

I wanted to get up and go home, I was confused by why I was in pain and on the floor.

Junhoe must've notice my thoughts and placed a firm grip on my legs.

Before I could tell Junhoe to stop someone came and knelt down directly next my head.

I closed my eyes as the pain worsened. Blocking out the rest of the world I let myself rest.


Just me over here cringing at the ending. Ah, it's was the best I could do. Anyways, I would love it if you guys gave me any requests or ideas for anymore story's I would gladly appreciate them. Byeeeeeeee

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