Skirt ~ Donghyuk

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So I don't know about ya'll, but my school gets out for break on Thursday. Basically I've been grinding on a total of three stories not including the Christmas Special that'll be released on this coming Friday around 1:00 pm, maybe a little bit earlier. It's my way of giving you guys a little present. Now for those who don't celebrate Christmas, just think of it as my appreciation to you for reading my book. Happy Holidays everyone! Push through these final days! ENJOY!

((TW: B.I in mentioned))

Dongkyuk POV:

We arrived at the venue early in the morning. The cool crisp air stung my face as I stepped out of the van.

"How d'you like the song?" Bobby asked as he slung his arm around my shoulder.

I shrugged.

"The chorus is nice, so is the hook, but maybe add a little bit more to the 2nd verse." I commented, rubbing my hands together in an attempt to warm them up.

"Noted," he nodded before walking away. 

I shuddered as I was hit with yet another gust of cold wind.

"Hyung!" Chan was standing by the door laughing at Yunhyeong who was dressed for -12 degree weather. "You like like a pizza roll."

I laughed along with him. By now the coldness had started to spread to my fingers.

"Alright, everyone in, come on." Our manager called from the doors.

Without even getting inside I could already hear iKONICS screams. Just the thought of us being on MAMA made me feel giddy. I mean sure we've been on it before but, today I just felt glad about it.

"Donghyuk-a," I turned around. Jinhwan-hyung was standing next to Ju-ne who was behind me. "Understand you like looking at blank space, but it would really be helpful if you at least made some movement."

I nodded, my cheeks rising with blush.

I quickly rushed inside. Today I just felt so out of it. Like normally I'd be teasing the crap out of my members, but today I just didn't have the energy for that.

The cheers rose 90% once I got inside. Even though I couldn't see past the wall that separated idols from the fans, I could feel the energy of iKONICS.

I snapped out of my trance once I heard someone call my name.

"Dong! Get over here. We're on first. The same goes for Junhwan over there." B.I yelled to me.

I lightly jogged over to the changing room.

Just as I was about to sit down a girl stopped me.

"May I help you?" I asked, unsure of her intent.

"Um it seems we've made a mistake on your costume." she whispered.

I tilted my head in confusion. It was probably like they ordered a wrong color or size.

"Instead of pants, you have a skirt."

I paused mid-breath. A SKIRT? I mean sure I wore skirts around the house sometimes but, not in public. I don't know how I'd feel about this.

"Um," I tried to say something, but nothing came out.

"I'm really sorry," The girl apologized. "You were supposed to have tan pants but now its a tan skirt."

I just nodded, shocked because of the news still. The lady handed me the costume I had to wear, and sure enough underneath the shirt was a skirt.

I speedily made my way over to one of the changing stalls.

This is so awkward and weird.  I thought to myself as I got changed. In all honesty I didn't think I looked that hideous. Wanting to get an opinion I poked my head out of the curtain.

"Jinan-hyung," I whispered.

Jay turned around, he's been resting his down on the table.

"What do you need?" he asked.

"An opinion,"

I motioned for him to come into the stall with me.

"Og Ezra," he covered his mouth. "You look kind of cute in it. I'm sure iKONICS will loved it!"

I nodded happy about the answer. And you know what, he was actully correct. iKONICS loved me outfit so much that it was trending on every social media app I owned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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