Fire ~ Chanwoo

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Hey yall, sorry for not posting yesterday. I ended up getting writers block and scrapped the original idea. Hope you like this! Also totally unrelated news... I got tickets to the iKON concert! I'm so exited!

Jinhwan POV

"Why are there so many candles here?" I ran from room to room counting how many candles were placed. "Jung Chanwoo!" I screamed.

"What?" Chanwoo poked his head out of Donghyuk's room.

"What's with the candles?!" I marched over to the door.

"They're not mine." Chanwoo put his hands up in defense.

I stuck my head inside of the room.

"Not mine either." Donghyuk said from his chair.

"I think it's Yun." Chanwoo suggested.

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Maybe he's into candle making?"

I scoffed and turned around.

I stormed out of the room and down the hall into mine. I flopped backwards onto my bed and closed my eyes. The one day we have off, chaos strikes.


I opened my eyes.



Junhoe was standing at my doorway.

"You good?" He asked.

I flipped onto my side without answering. Frankly I didn't have the energy to answer.

I spent all day with my friends. I enjoy hanging out with them, but it truly gets exhausting. I feel bad shutting off Junhoe when he was trying to be kind. He'll hopefully understand.

Chanwoo POV

Jinhwan left the room angrily. I glanced back at Donghyuk.

"What was that?"

"I have no idea?" I laughed.

"How many candles did hyung put up?" Donghyuk asked.

"I didn't know that he put them in this dorm, I thought he just put them in our shared one." I said.

"I'm so confused."

I left Donghyuk's room and the dorm. I climbed the stairs and went into my dorm.

"Hyung?" I called out.


"Where are you?"

"In the living room!" The voice answered.

I took off my shoes and placed them on the mat, before making my way over to our living room.

Yunhyeong was sitting on the couch with clay looking stuff in his hands.

"Did you cover the other dorm in your candles?" I asked him.

Yunhyeong looked around at the candles he had placed in here.

"Yeah, why?" He turned to look at me.

"Jinhwan-hyung wasn't thrilled when he came home to the surprise." I told him.

"That doesn't make any sense."

Yunhyeong looked around next to him and pulled out a box. He took some random stuff out of it and then handed it to me.

The box read, 'Calming Sensation Candle Making Kit'

"You're serious, right?" I handed him back the box.

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