ACL ~ Donghyuk (Dance Practice) REDO

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Okay yall, I explained some of this yesterday but I originally was taking a hold for three weeks because I have a life. But this extended into three weeks when I wasn't able to log into Wattpad so that meant it took longer then expected. I'm very sorry for not posting in a while, but don't worry I do have a new story that I will hopefully post today along with a redo of Jinhwan's Dance Practice. Also side note: I'm in love with Blue Moon.

Donghyuk's POV

"I got ninety-nine problems, but they all women!" Bobby sang strongly into the microphone.

For our upcoming world tour we've decided to change up the choreo by adding spins and tumblinging at some parts.

One of the parts we changed was the start of Tantara, Bobby's rap. At the end of the rap, Jinhwan and I are running at each other and doing two handsprings. For this run we were just marking them so we could get the timing down. Because this upcoming tour is worldwide we wanted to give our fans something special. Special, meaning the new choreography.

I locked eyes with Jinhwan-hyung and we rose. I stretched out my arms and spun, marking my first handspring. I repeated that again marking the second one. I turned around and looked at Jinhwan, he already had the microphone up to his mouth as he started to sing. I ran over to Yunhyeong, Bobby, and Chanwoo as we waited for the chorus.

Junhow began singing his part then suddenly the music cut.

I turned around. Jinhwan and Junhoe were looking at the dancer supervisor.

"What happened?" Yunhyeong asked.

"We haven't gone over the dance for this section." Jinhwan-hyung explained.

"Why don't you guys take five while we sort things out." The dance supervisor suggested.

I nodded as I made my way over to my bag.

We all knew that there was a reason why we hadn't gone over this part of the choreography yet. The way we have the stage set up for the tour, is that there'll be a lift in the floor that will rise up. Now we're told not to jump off of the lifts. But in this part we do. Jinhwan is going to jump off and land in Junhoe's arms as a little something for our fans.

I grabbed my water bottle and started drinking it.

"Want some? I have an extra." Yunhyeong handed me a Nivea chapstick.

I shook my head.

He shrugged and offered them to the others.

"Alright boys!" Our supervisor announced. "Let's take it from the top and do the tricks this time."

I looked over at Jinhwan as I walked over to my spot. He caught my look and gave me a reassuring smile.

We all got into our spots and the music began.

"One, two, three, four. Two, two, three, Four. Three, two, three, four. NOW!"

I ran. In my peripheral vision I saw Jinhwan in the first motion, and I followed.

I jumped, straining my body outwards. My hands made contact with the ground and I pushed off, that's when I felt it. The pain shooting up my right leg. I stiffened and fell back onto the ground. I stiffened as my head hit the ground, then I blacked out.

Bobby's POV

"견제 위를 부릉부릉!" I yelled into the microphone. Man I loved this feeling.

Suddenly the music cut. I opened my eyes, realizing that I had closed them. I looked around wondering why the music had stopped.

"Why are you just standing there!?" Yunhyeong yelled at me.

I froze, shocked that he yelled at me.

"Hyung?" I turned around. My jaw dropped. "Stupid." I muttered to myself.

I ran over too Donghyuk who was lying limp on the floor.

"Hyung," I looked at Yunhyeong who was crouched around Donghyuk as well. "What happened?"

"Jinhwan and Dong collided during the handsprings." He explained.

Our supervisor knelt down beside me. He looked over Donghyuk before moving his hand to the boy's right leg, which was bent in an abnormal way.

"Broken." I heard him mutter underneath his breath.

Behind Yunhyeong, Junhoe and Chanwoo were kneeling down next to a small figure. Jinhwan-hyung.

My blood ran cold. Donghyuk and Jinhwan's handsprings are coordinated so when one of them is on their feet the other one is on their hands in the rotation. Because Donghyuk's leg was 'broken' meant that Jinhwan must've fallen in a 'handstand' pose.

I silently prayed that he had landed on his hands or arms instead of his head.

The supervisor stood up and walked over to Jinhwan as he dialed something on his phone.

"It's okay Dong Dong." I whispered as I played with Donghyuk's hair.

"Okay, thank you."

I rested a hand on Yunhyeong who had broken into tears.

"Alright boys I have news." The supervisor said, "Two ambulances are on the way, both headed to the same hospital. They should be here in about five minutes. I suggest everyone going home to get changed into decent clothing before heading over.

Everyone rose to their feet except for Junhoe who stayed right next to Jinhwan.

The supervisor bent down next to him and whispered something into his ear, and he nodded.

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