Chapter 1: Present Day

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I curse silently staring at the message before me. Of course, of course. I mean not only was it cliche but I knew in my bones this would happen someday. I laugh at the absurdity. The laugh chokes off a frustrated cry. The message was already two weeks old because it has been filtered through my Facebook "message requests." I'm never on Facebook except to haggle over a dresser I had my eye on from Facebook marketplace. I reread the message.

Hi, Sara. I know it's been awhile and I have no excuse. I thought of you today and I know it's morbid, but I'll always remember you were the first person I talked to that day...I hope you're doing well. Bridget tells me you're back in Atlanta. Maybe we can grab a coffee and catch up sometime.

Rhys's small profile picture sits above the message. Even in that small thumbnail I can see that crooked smile that used to have so much power over me. I push away from my desk. Bridget is getting an earful.

"Hello?" Bridget chirps cheerfully
"Do you want to tell me about a run-in you had with Rhys?" I cut to the chase, my tone a little too sharp but she knows me well enough to know it's not directed at her.

"It was a few weeks ago. Lizzie had a swim meet and she was competing against his daughter. It was a small chit-chat but he asked about you so I told him you'd just moved back." She explains

"He messaged me." I sigh
She lowers her voice. I know I caught her at work and I'm grateful she picked up. Bridget is always there for me and I'd like to think I'm the same for her.

"Of course he did." She sighs back. "What are you going to do?"

I pick at my cuticles, a nervous habit I'd stopped long ago. "I don't know. The cliche of it all." I huff
"Well he's never been the most creative..." She agrees.

"I'm just mad, Bridget. Mad and hurt. I knew this would happen." I feel the tears of frustration and sorrow sting my eyes.

"We all knew this would happen, Sarah." She says softly. We sit quietly before she continues "So in the scenario where you knew this would happen, how did you respond?"

"Every way you can think of! I yell at him, I tell him off, I tell him he's got a lot of fucking nerve. Or I ignore it and just pretend I never saw it. Or I say 'sure let's meet up'. All of those scenarios just lead to me having to acknowledge this hole in my heart once again." I say pinching my eyes because a headache is starting to form.

"Maybe it's time...You know? Maybe it's time you put this to rest one way or another." She says gently.

"I don't know what that looks like, Bridget. I tried to put him behind me and we're here again. Here we are circling each other again just like we've always done and I'm so tired." The tears fall now.

"I know, babe." She whispers "God never gives us more than we can handle."

I snort "I love you, Bridget, but you know that shit doesn't work for me."

She sighs "I know. But I also believe this is happening for a reason. We knew it would happen. Here's your chance to find out exactly what that reason is."

I sigh and we hang up. I return to the computer staring at the screen a bit longer before I type out:

Hi. Coffee sounds good. My number is 555-2164 if you'd like to meet up.

I hesitate before sending it and then do my best to ignore the feeling of wanting to check my messages again after that. We've been here before and I'm not holding my breath he'll respond.

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