Free Fall.

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Reyna's POV

Unfortunately, we live in a world run by judgement.

It's the thing that drives us to be what others want us to be. We are questioned. We are examined. Our mental soundness is taken away because we're put in constant fear of being teased or defined.

I'd like to say, and think, that I'm a person who doesn't care about the scrutinizing gazes. Or that I can't be labeled because I love myself to the point where I don't care. I really want to tell you that I'm not easily taken over by anxiety during any type of social interaction.

But I can't.

I can't because doubt will always over shadow me. I will always second guess myself and worry about my appearance no matter who I'm with. I analyze situations way too much, and fear of being alone for the rest of my life.

So when I walked into school that morning to find everyone staring and laughing..... I almost collapsed.

No one tried to hide their side way glances or attempted to keep their snide remarks quiet. They let everything be loud and clear, not giving a single shit that I actually have feelings.

Words cut into my skin like a thousand knives. And I was unguarded; vulnerable. I didn't try to shield myself because I've never been so great at it. Instead, I pushed through the crowd, attempting to come off as careless. But I just had to run into the person that could set me off.

Rayley slammed her arm against mine as I went to pass her. "Oh, look who it is.....the school whore." She blared as her idiot friends giggled behind her.

"What the hell do you mean?" I grumbled through. I prayed that my rapid heart beat and pale complexion didn't give away the fact that I was dying inside.

The blonde girl scoffed, as if I should know what awful rumor she had concocted. "We all know Luke only slept with you because of a bet."

I managed to roll my eyes at her even though my brain was melting. "First of all, I didn't sleep with him. Secondly, who even told you that?" I was waiting for that glimmer in her eye that proved she was lying. I waited to see that annoying smirk she got when she was on obviously behind such lies.

But Rayley's eyebrows furrowed together as if she was confused.

"Um, Luke did....duh?"

Everything broke. Whatever was holding me together inside snapped right in half. I shoved myself passed the blithering idiots and towards a side door of the school.

I'm not going to take this shit today. I can't get through it without collapsing. So I guess I'll just have to leave. Leave and hopefully never come back.

I didn't notice the tears building up until they were streaming down my cheeks. Everything just felt so numb and hopeless. I've never had my heart break into a million pieces before, and the pain was nearly unbearable. My thoughts became a helpless knot of anger and hate and complete betrayal.

Stupid stupid stupid.

Stupid to ever think I would be able to trust someone besides myself. Of course this would never work. I would never be good enough for him. Now he was sitting in that hell of a school, laughing about how that stupid little girl was so gullible. How she let him throw her into a free fall, promising to catch her, then stepping out of the way at the last possible moment.

I crossed my arms across my chest, as if that would help hold myself together a little longer. My eyes were glued to the cracking sidewalk as I moped by the school and towards my street. Hopefully no one will see me or try to drag me back into that shit hole. I really wanted- no needed- to be alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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