Chapter 2

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A/N: I forgot to add that I am going to use the measurement systems that I know of because I need it to be understandable to me, the author, a human, cause I do not know their measurements because they are aliens who possibly have different ways of doing things (for example, their days could be 25 hours instead of our 24) Also, time can also vary depending where you are. Also, any language spoken in a different one than English will be said in the series and put in brackets like this {...}.

The lights turned on once more as she shifted in her sleep back to lying on her back before starting to scream in pain. She jerked upwards as the prison shook, waking her roommate in the process, his hair a bit messy from the sleep.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Her shout echoed as the quaking around her continued, opening her eyes that lit up a glowing blue. Her hair was adrift as she backed herself against the white wall. She lifted her hand to try before realizing that she was no longer dreaming of the past. Everything grew stable around her, her eyes going normal as an ache started to throb in her head.

"Sorry, I forget that I tend to do that when I'm on a planet." She groaned, rubbing the source of the headache against her hand. "Stupid memories." She murmured to herself. She yawned, stretching her arms out before she stood up, her clothing changing into cotton athleticwear with a matching pair of running shoes. She started to jog in place, then turned into jumping jacks.

"What in the Nine Realms are you doing?" She turned around to the raven-haired god, continuing her warm-up. "Warming up for my exercise. Besides, need to do something to keep my mind off the torture. Does it always take this long to start or do they wait until you're down and comfy before striking?" She said nonchalantly as she went down to the ground on all fours in a prone position, with her palms down on the floor along with the tip of her feet, and her back straight, pushing herself up and down by bending her arms.

"It's outlawed to do torture on Asgard." He stated. She paused midway, surprised at the statement.

Really? I have a hard time believing that with how you look." She shrugged before restarting the push-ups. "Eh, I need to keep myself fit anyways. Can't have this figure and feel good about it without putting the work in, right?" She grinned as she started to run from one end to the other of her half of the cell, touching the ground each time she passed each side.

"What do you mean exactly?" He caught onto her comment about his appearance.

She stopped her activity, finally getting that she won't be able to get out of the conversation, so she gestured her finger around her eyes. "You know. Like you've seen some shit, remembered it and just snapped out of it. "She snapped her fingers to emphasize her point. "I call it the 'post-torture and mind-bending' look. You." She gestured to his face. " Look like you've just gotten out of it recently."

"You know nothing about me."

"True," She shrugged, agreeing with him, despite his hostile behaviour, "but you don't know anything about me either, you don't even know my name, Loki, but I get the same face. Granted, it was more often in the earlier times, but I still get it when I'm having a bad day." He tried to appear unfazed by the information, but she saw the gears working in his head.

"Where exactly did you get it from then, if you know all about me?" His question hit her hard but maintained a cool expression.

"And where did you get yours then, hmm?" She jabs back with ice. He may have not visibly reacted, but she knew that he would not like remembering it either. "If you don't want to talk about it, I'm not going to talk about it, so don't ask about that subject again."

"What do you do to deal with it?" He asked.

"Oh, I've avoided it for a long time. I don't suggest doing that though because it's just gonna get worse, based on my personal experience. At this point, I don't think it will go away." She said. He was quiet, so she decided to add on.

"But, I find the exercise helps to just help bring out good emotions instead of the shitty ones. You know, to steer away from the bad parts our brain tends to create." She went back to running.

"Are you going to do this for how long?"

"Oh, I need to distract myself from sleeping so we don't get another incident that may or may not be worse than the one this morning."

"Worse than shaking the prison?"

"If you really think that my shaking was just here, then you have to be crazy. They're fully planet-wise. So this entire floating rock felt it. But there is worse than shaking. Besides, I can survive without sleeping for an extremely long time. So I'll be fine." She tapped her chest twice with her finger as a gem of a necklace appeared around her neck. "Besides, I go this thing to help keep it mostly under control."

"And before you go about thinking to steal it, know that you won't live to see the next moment." She threatened, her tone being dead serious.

"And how do I know you won't try anything while I am asleep?"

"Seriously? Well, firstly, I respect the line that you had no help in creating that I drew." She pointed out the line mockingly. "And secondly, if I ever did want to kill someone and that person happened to be you, I would tend to go immediately on the target when they're in my sight to get their suffering over it. I ain't cruel, everything I do is just a job. Besides, I wait for the long game when I need something from someone, and you don't have anything I need." She shrugged. "It ain't personal, it's just business. "

"Since you know mine, what is your name?" He changed the subject.

"Emery the Asgardian." She grinned. He narrowed at her joking.

"Your true name. I think it is only fair since you impersonated my form."

"You don't get that privilege unless I reveal my form. Besides, I can turn into Emris the Krylorian," Her skin turned a dark pink with scar-like ridges on her face. "Sera Sey the Xandarian," her complexion turned into a beige tan with black hair, the ridges gone. "Ema the Luphemoid, " Her hair became black with a bluish tinge as her skin turned purple, "And many more different identities that I made that I don't remember right now." She lounged back to the Asgardian persona, her blue eyes staring at him.

A/N: I procrastinated a lot in putting in the rest of the chapter (academia sucks the life out of me), so I don't have much of an idea for the next chapter (don't worry though, because I have mostly the entire rest of the story and sequels planned, I just am terrible with beginnings) and I will likely go back to these chapters and repost them on the update day.

You Promise(d) Me - Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now