Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey, so I calculated the number of chapters this story will likely have if I continue at this rate, and it's a lot more than I expected (like, possibly 70+ chapters). However, I will post more chapters during the summer than during the rest of the year due to having more free time and now knowing what I will write about.

"Now that isn't fair, to hide behind a disguise." He mused.

"Says the one who's hidden from his true form." Her pointer finger turned blue as she touched her cheek with not much discretion before turning to its original pale tone. "Besides, this isn't the sake of me not wanting to, but that I can't."

"Can't or won't?"

"I used to be able to, but I can't anymore, no matter how hard I tried." She spoke with confidence, but they both heard the voice crack on her last word uttered.

"Do you have a possibility why?"

"I do, but that's just what they are. Ideas. I can't spend the time to ponder on the what-ifs instead of the facts in front of me. Besides, if I could turn back, I would've just a load of issues to deal with." Her voice turned a more melancholic tone.

"You have all the time now to ponder all the hypotheses you desire."

They were interrupted by the two trays that entered by the slot through the corner of where the glass and the wall met, on her side of the line.

"Did you make me draw the line so that I had to give yours?" She accused Loki.

"Of, course not. "

She huffed, not believing him for a moment. She went on to take a sniff of both the meal, ignoring Loki for that moment as she eyed the guard as they left to go serve the other prisoners. She took both trays and handed one to the other prisoner, still regarding them from the corner of her eye.

She went back to sit on the white-tiled part of the prison before looking down at the bowl of oatmeal and quickly shoving it to her face, her movements rushed and hurried to make sure to finish as soon as possible. Loki was watching her with a small grimace.

"You eat like you were raised by barbarians." She ignored him as she scraped her spoon to get the rest that was on the sides of the bowl, licking it with finality before chuckling, the words finally going through her head.

"Group of syndicated mercenaries." She corrected him.


She explained. "You told me I acted like I was raised by 'barbarians'. I wasn't, even though some acted like that. I was raised by a group of syndicated mercenaries."

"So, you did have people to raise you?"

She waved her spoon, shrugging, before placing the tray on her side, opposite from Loki. "Eh. Some were like family, some weren't. Those who were though, they were great."

"Were?" He pointed out.

"Oh, they're still alive, but I haven't contacted them since I left. I gotta have my own life and grow, with all of its consequences."

"And what about your parents?"

"The biological ones died or abandoned me. My sire was a deadbeat who I never met, given the fact that he left before my birth. My mother didn't care about him either and she died when I was twelve, which I left with my old man and his 'barbarians' after."

"Do you have any siblings?" She mulled her answer to the question.

"One by blood and another two raised alongside me when I joined the group." She said with a mix of fondness and sadness tracing her voice.

"And where are they now?"

"Alive. Hopefully. The younger one has a tendency to accidentally end up in situations he shouldn't be involved in. But the oldest keeps him in line." She reflected. "Sometimes. But they're both good people." She added.

"How about your blooded sibling?"

"She is alive." She repeated, not elaborating any further. Loki changed the topic back to the one before.

"What is your main theory of why you cannot turn back?"

"Fear." She simply stated and left it at that, not wishing to talk anymore. Loki drew his on conclusions on her answer.

"Understandable. You are part of a species that is threatened by one of the biggest empires in the universe."

She nods, not giving any elaboration. "That makes sense."

He becomes suspicious of her compliance with his reasoning. "And what do you want to add to it?"

"I'm alright with it." She approached her markings from the day before and counted up all the questions asked, adding to the board and counting them.

"No, you meant something different then." He ponders aloud. "You might be a person who's on the run then."

She stood. "That's possible as well. I have a very long history. Listen, can I have the book now? I bet you have one with this many chapters." She tapped at her board with her foot. He approached it, viewing it, making sure of the number before going to his pile of books, going from the bottom up through all spines before pulling the one under the first two on the top. He handed it to her.

She read the title once over. "Really? 'A History of Gods and Goddesses of Asgard'? Very funny." She opened the book anyway.

A/N: So, I'm cutting this chapter short (trying to make each chapter at least 1k words), but I will make sure to add more in this chapter in the next update in addition to the (hopefully) two chapters I will post. Unfortunately, I will be unable to update next month.

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