Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry for all the delays (been dealing with a lot of complications), here is the chapter promised! I am still slightly unsatisfied with this chapter (especially since I didn't reach my required word count), so I will probably go over it again when I will have the time to do so. Enjoy

The shapeshifter was twirling different shapes with her finger on the floor, her back on the white wall, sitting on the floor while ignoring Loki on his bed. She paused as the sound of approaching footsteps grew nearer.

As the days passed, different jailors passed through to give out meals through a cycled schedule, twice a day. She moved her hand onto her thigh, feigning indifference when they passed close to the opening on the orange wall that remained shut at all times, where they served to pass the food.

As expected, the latch was eventually pulled open, allowing the trays of food to be delivered into the cell. In a single moment, the shapeshifter sprang into action, her body transforming with lightning speed. Her arms elongated, effortlessly sliding through the narrow opening, while her fingers morphed into razor-sharp blades, poised to subdue anyone who dared to challenge her. With calculated precision, she swiftly pinned the jailor against the orange wall, the tips of her blades grazing his neck.

"You know, poisoning food is rather low, even for me," she remarked, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "Not to say I never would do it or that I ever did, but come on." She looked upon the guards keeping their weapons up. "Really? Y'all ought to have better security. I've been smelling it one of the meals every time this one," her blade thumbs his cheek, "comes by to serve us."

"Of course, I can't accuse without evidence." She further stretches her hand to the jailer, her hands digging into his clothing until she grasps what she needs. "I have it." A small vial is shown to everyone around, and she further stretches her two fingers to place it on the ground.

The jailor began to plead, his words filled with desperation. "Please, I had-"

The shapeshifter tilted his head towards her. "You just tried to kill an already imprisoned person," she interrupted, her voice laced with contempt. "And you thought, 'How can I make him pay?' So, you abused your position and blamed the kill on me?" She turned his head back as she dug her fingers deeper into his skin, ignoring the slight burn she felt from being outside the cell.

"Well, let's see how you would feel without your-" she started to say, pressing harder against his neck.

"I do not think that would make-" Loki's voice interjected, but he refrained from crossing the line she had drawn.

"So now you decide to intrude on this conversation I'm having with these people," she waved the blade in the air, indicating the guards present.

"This would not help if you ever wished to be released," Loki argued, attempting to reason with her.

"I know, and I don't-" she was abruptly cut off.

"Enough," a regal woman intervened, stepping forward to diffuse the tense situation. "Hand him over and he will be dealt with."

"With its track record with its current prisoners, that's not good enough. Why should I let them live when they're guilty?"

"The person is under our law. Besides, I do know you do like a good trade, as with my son. We found this nearby the Royal Vaults." The shapeshifter's eyes widened at the presence of the bag that she showed. "Hand them over, and their life will be dealt with within our courts."

"How do I know you didn't empty the bag, Queen Frigga?" The woman in question opened it from the top, allowing her to see the contents from inside to appear. " The man will be tried for killing the prince of Asgard. So, let him go."

She pressed her lips. "Fine. Do either of you have handcuffs or something like that?" She asked the guard next to her, who just took the new prisoner. " Have it your way. Now, please just give me the bag," Frigga approached close enough for her to hand it to her. The shapeshifter grabbed it with some desperation and quickly realized it would not fit, before the opening enlarged with ease, hugging it close to her. She coughed, clearing her throat before letting out a thank you to the Queen.

Queen Frigga approached the fallen jailor, her expression of full resolve as she ordered. "Take him into custody," she ordered, her voice carrying a regal authority. "Prepare him for trial. His fate will be decided by the rightful laws of Asgard." She took a quick warm glance at her fallen son, who kept his sight on the shapeshifter as she left.

The guards swiftly moved to apprehend the jailor. As they led him away, the shapeshifter's attention shifted back to Loki, gripping the bag tight, gently placing it in the corner that changed the wall from white to orange.

"You should have let me finish him," she muttered.

Loki raised an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on her. "And what would that accomplish?"

She walked with a slow gait back to the slot, grabbing the food, making sure to take the poisoned one for herself and passing the other to him, his hand grazing hers in passing. She left and sat down with her back to the white wall once more and shrugged, poking at her meal, dragging the bag to her side.

A/N:I currently do have a music playlist for this entire series along with characters and the individual works, but unfortunately, a lot of that music would reveal future events. So, if you have a song with a melody or lyrics that fit a certain chapter/scene that I currently have published, please comment with your suggestions. Have a great day!

16/07/2023: I only did some minor editing in the last 4 paragraphs since I felt unsatisfied, but I do have a chapter planned soon.

23/07/2023: Sorry, but can't update today because I've been busy and need to recover because I'm burnt out

You Promise(d) Me - Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now