Meet & Greet

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"Alright you'll be the last person for the meet & greet. You'll chat for a couple of minutes then get your picture taken and that's it." Mark explained the whole process for me.

"So I've got about five minutes to impress her." I asked as I put on my black leather jacket.

"Look don't go in there trying to sweep her off her feet. Don't act all cocky and mushy cause she doesn't like any of that stuff. Just go in there and be yourself. Alright." He said as he patted my back.

"Okay. Thanks for the advice Mark." I said as we quickly hugged each other.

"No problem Mike. Look I got to get going. Enjoy the show and I better be the one you're cheering for!" He laughed as he ran down the halls.

"I'll see you after the show!" I screamed waving goodbye.

I chuckled at the fact he almost tripped on a couple of wires.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, It was finally my time to shine! Was that a bit cocky? Never Mind. Anyways, I took a deep breath before I entered. It felt like the longest walk ever! My hands were shaking. I quickly wiped my palms against my pants, making sure they weren't clammy.

There she stood, beaming. She looked absolutely beautiful. Those eyes and that smile had me. And I was gone.

"Hi! Now you must be Mike." She said smiling as we shook hands.

"Yes. It's nice to.. meet you." I stuttered as I released the grip of her small hand.

"So, Mark has told me a lot about you. And that you play hockey, right?" She asked looking up at me.

"Oh yeah, I play for the Ottawa Senators. I've been in the league ever since I was nineteen. Besides, Mark has told me a lot nice things about you." I said smiling down at her.

"He better have or else he'll be in serious trouble!" She giggled.

"So are you enjoying your time here in Canada?" I asked as I scratched the back of my head.

"I love it here! The fans and the people here are so nice and welcoming. The cities that we've visited so far has been so amazing. But gosh, is it always this cold?" She smiled studiously at me.

"Yeah the weather is like this all the time but I'm used it. But I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying your time so far, Canada is definitely a great country." I smiled putting my hands in my pockets.

The camera crew told us it was time to take our picture. So I gently placed my hand on the small of her back, softly pulling her close to me. She placed her arm around my waist as we smiled for the lenses.

"Hey, me, Mark and some of the guys from the band are going to a bar down on Front Street after the show. And I was wondering maybe, you could probably join us? If you want." I asked nervously after we took our photos.

"Well I don't know if I should, you see umm, most likely I'll be really tired after the show. And I have a couple of interviews tomorrow morning. I would love to go but I don't think I could, sorry." She said giving me a small smile as she tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"Yeah it's okay. I understand, you're a busy woman. Well, it was nice meeting you Ms. Underwood. And I'm looking forward to see you rock out on that stage." I said smiling down, giving her a quick hug.

"Aww thanks and I hope you enjoy your night as well, Mr. Fisher." She giggled grinning from ear to ear.

We both waived each other goodbye before I walked out of the room. I'm sporting this massive grin on my face. That went pretty smooth, well I sure hope it did. I made my way to the upper deck to meet up with Trevor and Erin.

"Hey Mike! So, how did it go?" Erin said as we hugged.

"You know, it went pretty well, I think." I said laughing as I fist pumped with Trevor.

"I sure hope it did. Mike. You need a girl! You haven't had a girlfriend since what, a year or two." Trevor said as we sat down.

"Hey! Not so fast Trev, we just met!" I said sipping down on my drink.

"Alright, Alright, Alright." He said using his best impersonation of Matthew McConaughey.

The lights began to dim down. The cheers and screams grew louder and louder, anticipating for her to come out. Tonight is definitely going to be a good night!

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