The Bar

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Trevor, Erin & I made our way backstage in the parking garage after the show to meet up with Mark and the guys. Mark introduced us to Jimmy who plays guitar (and other instruments as well) and the drummer, Garrett. We chilled backstage for about 20 minutes because the guys were putting away their equipment and went for a quick change.

"Man, can she sing!! That was one of the best live vocals I've ever heard!! Her cover of Paradise City was AMAZING! She's so good." Erin exclaimed as she leaned against my black Chevy Suburban.

"Yeah, I honestly got chills every time she hit those notes. I'm a bit jealous!" Trevor said as he put his arm around his wife.

"She was just phenomenal." I said leaning against my SUV. Still in awe of her talent and beauty.

"Aww. Look at you Mike! I've never seen you smile that big in a long time." She said, putting her free arm around my shoulder.

I was going to respond back but Mark interrupted us.

"Hey sorry we took awhile, we were really sweaty and stinky so we all showered!" Mark said as he put on his jacket.

"We showered separately! Obviously!" Garret quickly said brushing his hair to the side.

As we were all laughing at his remark, I heard, well I assume it was heels that I heard clicking towards us. I quickly turned around and there she was.

"Hey!" I said walking towards her, leaving the group.

"Hey! Is that offer still open for the bar tonight?" She asked nervously biting her lip.

"Yeah, absolutely. What changed your mind?" I asked as we stood close together, feeling all eyes on us.

"I thought why not have some fun tonight and let loose for once." She smiled as she glanced over my shoulder, waving at Mark and the guys.

"I brought some of my close friends with me tonight, let me introduce you to them." I said as we began to walk towards our friends.

"Sure, I would love that." She said as she smiled towards them.

"So Carrie, this is my best friend Trevor and this is Erin, his wife." I said as Carrie shook hands with Trevor and received a hug from Erin.

"It's so nice to meet you guys! Did you enjoy the show?" Carrie asked.

"Girl, you can sing! It was amazing and we had a blast!" Erin exclaimed causing Carrie to smile and giggle. Trevor nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it!" Carrie said sporting a cute grin.

"Alright! Let's all head out now!" Mark said as they all jumped into the SUV.

I was in the drivers seat, starting up the engine. Trevor was on shotgun while Erin and Carrie sat next to each other chatting. Mark and the other guys sat all the way in the back.

It took us ten minutes to arrive at the bar. As soon as we all walked in, we noticed every single person in the bar were completely wasted. Which was a good thing, hopefully none of them would recognize Carrie and I. We sat all the way in the back.

"Mike, you want a beer?" Mark asked.

"No, I'll just have water." I said. I'm not in the mood to drink, especially since I'm the one driving.

"Oh, I forgot! You're our driver." He chuckled as him and all the guys left to get their drinks.

I sat alone for a minute until Carrie came with a glass of red wine in her hand.

"You and Erin seem to be getting along." I said as she scooted closer to me.

"Yeah, she's really cool. I like her. It's nice to chat with someone who treats me like a normal person, you know." She said smiling as she took a sip of her drink.

"Yeah, I get you." I said, staring deeply into hazel her eyes.

"What?" She said giggling as she noticed the way I was staring at her.

"It's just-" I managed to say before Mark interrupted me once again.

"Here's your glass of water Mike." He said. Staring at the fact how close Carrie and I were.

"Thanks." I said a bit annoyed. I grabbed the glass of water and observed it.

"What the hell are you looking for? It's just water." Mark said as everyone sat down.

"Just checking. Making sure you aren't trying to drug me." I said as everyone erupted into laughter.

"Now why would I do that?" He said, holding in his laugh.

"You never know, you never know." Carrie said mysteriously, making everyone laugh twice as hard.

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