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We left the bar around eleven. Mark, Trevor, Jimmy and Garrett were slightly drunk. While Carrie and Erin were buzzed. And I was the only sober person. Mark claimed that the night is "still young" and wanted to do fun things. So everyone agreed to go bowling. We went to The Ballroom, which was a couple of blocks away from the bar.

It was 11:15 when we arrived. After getting our bowling lane and shoes set up, Mark decided to play in teams.

"Alright, me and Mike are team Captains. So, I'll choose first." Mark slurred as he pointed his finger at Trevor.

"That's not fair! Let's flip a coin. Who ever wins the coin toss, chooses first." I said as Erin handed me a toonie.

"Fine. I pick heads." Mark said.

So I flipped the coin and placed it on top of my hand. Heads it was.

"Ahaha, yes! I choose Trevor!" Mark exclaimed as he chest pumped with Trevor.

"Good choice since he sucks at bowling!!" Erin said as she pointed and teased at Mark and Trevor.

"Erin, you suck too! Which is why my first round pick would be Carrie." I said sticking out my tongue at Erin and gave Carrie a high five.

"Damn it! Um, I pick Garrett then. Get your butt over here." Mark said as he missed a high five from Garrett.

"Sorry Erin but my last pick would be Jimmy!" I said as we fist pumped.

"Alright Erin you're with us. Four against three! Can you handle that Fisher?" Mark said stumbling to the machine to put our names.

"You're getting your butt kicked!" I shouted as I huddled with my team.

We all agreed that Carrie should go last since in her own words she's "the best bowling player". Jimmy is going second since he's not that good. And that leaves me at first since second best on our team.

Carrie gently touched my arm as she stood on her tippy toes to whisper in my ear, "We got this." She said giving me a quick wink.

After an hour and a half of playing 3 rounds of bowling I decided to relax on the couch. My team won all 3 of the games by a landslide. Carrie was totally right! We had this. She was the best one. The girl had like over ten strikes. I was impressed, it was fun to see her competitive side come out and it was pretty darn cute. I glanced to my left and Jimmy was passed out on the other couch. The rest of the guys continued to play another round.

"Hey." Carrie said as she sat close to me.

"You aren't going to play with them?" I said, turning my head to look at her.

"Nope. I think three games is enough for me and plus my arm is a little bit tired." She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You were good out there! I'm impressed." I said as I slightly bumped shoulders with her.

"Well, I'm glad I left a good impression." She said, giving me a soft smile.

"Yeah." I smiled back at her.

"You know when Mark told me about meeting you, I was a bit hesitant because um.. I'm sort of seeing this guy and I didn't want to ruin that. But I also didn't want to look bad by turning you down so I agreed." She paused taking sip of her water.

I nodded at her so she can continue.

"To be honest, I put you in the meet & greet because I thought you could be some weird guy." She said slightly giggling.

"And how did that turn out?" I said chuckling at her statement.

"It turns out you aren't weird after all! You're actually a pretty cool guy. And I'm glad we met." She said shyly. I noticed her cheeks were slightly red.

"I'm glad we met too." I softly said. We stared intently at each other for awhile. Then she began to dig through her purse. She took out her phone and held it in front of my face.

"Mike, smile." She said as she took the picture, then she handed me the phone.

"Are you sure your boyfriend wouldn't mind this?" I asked before I put my information.

"Technically, he's not my boyfriend, we're just... I don't even know what we are. But we're certainly not official." She assured me.

I put my number and handed back her phone. Then I took my phone out of my pocket. She realized what I was doing so she smiled as I took the picture. She grabbed my phone and put her number.

Right at that moment, Mark slipped and fell onto his bottom as he was going to release the ball. We both laughed at the scene and stood up to help poor Mark.

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