Chapter 2 - The Hummingbird

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- Nikolai's POV -

The wood floorboards creaked, as the ship dipped up and down on the waves. The sound of the canvas sail whipped through the air; it's faded yellow color cascading warm sunny shadows onto the deck. The Hummingbird was a magnificent ship, and by the way she sailed, it almost felt as if she knew it herself.

Nikolai was seated leisurely at the stern, a map, and his lucky compass in hand. His feet were propped up and resting on the helm. He wore a teal over coat with a light cotton undershirt underneath. His black pants were tucked into his dark brown leather boots, with an engraved silver buckle peeking from behind his over coat. His dirty blonde hair sat messily over the top of his forehead; the back of his neck was dark and smooth from all the time he had spent in the sun.

"Captain... we've been sailing with no destination for days," Henrik called out. He lay on his back on the deck of the ship, tossing a coin of small value in the air and catching it again. His fluffy chestnut hair blowing this way and that. "Can't we just throw a knife at the map and go; it would definitely be more exciting..." He trailed off, hoping his captain didn't so much hear that last part.

Nikolai chuckled, shaking his head. Henrik was only 18 years of age, but he sure acted like he was only 13 sometimes. But he was good company when the crew needed a laugh, he never failed in that department.

"But then we would never be able to say we tasted the white oranges of Sirona Island, Henrik." He replied, not taking his gaze off of the map. "Besides," He said finally looking at the crewmate, "You my friend are a terrible throw. So, unless you want our destination to be the floorboard you lay on, leave the navigation to me."

Henrik sighed, tossing the coin even higher, then higher again, which caused it to hit the mast above him and re-direct itself into the sea. He cursed. "That was my lucky coin." He groaned, leaning over the side of the ship, the clear emotion of defeat on his face.

"Are we sure that we have sailed all throughout the east part of the Jade Sea?" Dogan asked, sitting up and leaning over Nikolai's shoulder and pointing in a general spot on the right side of the map. His dark grey overcoat so wore and weathered it was as soft as velvet. Its gold buttons twinkled in the sun light. "I can't say I remember much of our journey past there the summer last."

"You know what, I can't recall it very well either." Nikolai replied, folding up the map and standing up. "As always Dogan, I'm glad I have at least one bright lad on my crew." Henrik scoffed, making a boyish face at Dogan.

Dogan pretended not the notice and took his place at the helm. He called out a few orders, before turning the ship 30 degrees east. Correcting himself until he was perfectly lined up with the compass that Nikolai held aside him. The sails filled swiftly, and he slapped Dogan on the shoulder before going down the stairs.

As the crew set to their assigned tasks, the ship sailed onward, guided by the whispers of the wind and Nikolai's astute navigation skills. The day was filled with a mixture of anticipation, camaraderie, and the thrill of the unknown.

After a few hours, the sky began to darken. And the waves crashed violently against the ship.

"Keep a sharp lookout, mates. The island could be hidden among these treacherous waters. We must be vigilant." Nikolai called out.

"Captain, I spy something strange! Look yonder, a swirling vortex of mist!" Dogan yelled over the crashing of the waves.

"Stars! That's no ordinary fog. It reeks of enchantment. Shall we steer clear, Captain?" Henrik said, as he finished tying up the rope that lay in his hands.

Nikolai thought for a moment, before smirking. "Steady as she goes, but remain alert, lads. We may be sailing into uncharted territories."

With caution in their hearts and determination in their eyes, The Hummingbird sailed toward the mysterious mist, braving whatever dangers lay ahead.

- Later that evening -

Nikolai sat comfortability at his large wooden desk, elbows leaning on the top of it as he studied the book in his hand. He tapped his foot on the ground in a small pattern, his eyes scanning over the words. Seeming to devore what they told him.

"Captain," Henrik said, knocking twice on the Captain's Quarter's door. "The storm is getting worse. Shall we sail through, or anker for the night?"

He set down the book and stood up, walking from his sitting place over to the small round window on the left side of the cabin. He gazed through it for a moment, before turning back to Henrik. "Sail through... It's been a while since I've gone a round or two with Poseidon." He smirked. Henrik nodded and ran upstairs. Nikolai slowly following behind.

Once on deck, he could indeed see that the storm ahead of them was far darker and more treacherous. Birds passed by them flying in the opposite direction, calling out to each other as they sought cover elsewhere.

Nikolai smiled at Dogan, "Why would birds be this far out at sea?" He asked. Dogan looked puzzled. So, Nikolai turned to Henrik, and Henrik shrugged. "They must have come from somewhere." He finished. "Possibly the island."

Dogan smiled in response, and they shared a look of excitement in their eyes before Nikolai then turned toward the bow, taking the railing in his hands.

A sliver of sun shown on his face for a split second, before they dove into the cloud cover. The temperature dropped, and it seemed almost as dark as night. The clouds bubbled and swirled above us, and the waves of the sea echoed back with equal rathe. The ship rocked heavily along the big waves. Sea mist, covering the crew and dampening every inch of the ship.

"Be at the ready men! Hang on!" Dogan called out, his hair dripping and sticking to his forehead as he held fast to the helm. Before taking them even deeper into the storm.

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