Chapter 16 - Taken

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---Mara's POV---

Mara was pulled from sleep with a rough bump in the road. She had been taken from the dock, and had been traveling for days by carriage. Her hands were tied tightly together, rubbing her skin raw.

They had stuffed her into the small compartment under one of the bench cushions and had told her to stay quiet. Threatening her to follow their orders or they'd pay someone to find and kill Sturmhond before she could think to escape.

They didn't seem to know him by his real name, which started to clear up why Nikolai went by a fake name in the first place. Mara's mind was racing, it had been for two days, before she finally passed out from exhaustion. So, until her fate changed, Nikolai would have to be Sturmhond to her. The person who was giving her passage through the sea, nothing more. Someone she knew nothing about. But in reality, she didn't know much to begin with.

They still hadn't told her why they had taken her. If they were needing information from Nikolai, then why didn't they take him? He had been knocked unconscious before they dragged her away. She closed her eyes, and could see his figure in the moonlight, laying there motionless. Her heart tore open. Each bump in the road slamming her into the walls of the compartment. Her bones and muscles ached, screaming to be set free.

"Morning." She heard someone say from outside the carriage. They must have been approaching a town. A few moments later the horses slowed, and they came to a stop. The men above stood up, making the carriage tilt back and forth. The bench opens and she squint up towards them. Covering the light that streamed into her eyes with her hand.

"Oh good, you're still alive." One of the gentlemen said, before grabbing her arm and yanking her up into the air. Her feet now beneath her. He was large in stature, his face very dirty, his wiry beard reaching his collarbone, it seemed to be brown, but had been caked with ashes. He pushed her down the stairs and she fell to the ground. Mara's hands burning from the little rocks that met her palms.

"Walk." He ordered. The two other men standing behind him. Their hands on their belts, their guns gleaming at her from the holsters on their hips. She pushed herself up and began to walk. What she had thought was a town, was a few wooden shacks on the corner of the forest.

It looked to be a trading post, a few stores lining the tree line, selling gear and supplies. They practically threw her into one of the shacks. Her eyes adjusting to the dim lighting and taking in the room. The walls were covered in maps, and drawings. Before she could look much closer, one of the men grabbed her arm harshly. Untying her wrists and pushing a new set of what looked like clothes into her hands.

"Put these on." He said, not moving from where he stood.

Hesitantly she started to take off her night robe and slipped the dress he had given her over her head. Keeping her nightgown underneath. She could feel his eyes on her. Mara changed quickly. Wrapping her arms around herself when she was done. He handed her two pieces of cloth. "Hide your hair. And clean this place up. We will be back in 15 mins." He said, closing the door and locking her inside.

She wrapped one of the cloths around her head and tied it in a knot, hiding her hair underneath it. And then took the other cloth, looking around the room once more, before taking the bucket that sat beside her. Dipping the brown fabric into the murky water and crouching down to the floor. Soaking the floorboards, with the water and her tears.

---Nikolai's POV---

(The Night Before)

"Captain..." Dogan said sternly. As he shoved his canvas sack full of food and extra clothes. "I know she was important to you, but you can't go looking for her. There are some dangerous people in this country." He stepped closer, lower his voice. Nikolai shook his head angrily.

"Then why did they take her? Do you think they know what she is? Saints I found the Sun Summoner of all people, and the first town we reach, I lose her!" He yelled. His ears getting hot, his mind was racing. He had been knocked out for hours; they could have taken her anywhere. "It's my fault Dogan." He sighed. "I was the one who asked her to come with us. If I had just left, like I should of, she would be safe." He rubbed a hand over his eyes.

"You couldn't leave her there, even I could see that." Dogan said softly, setting his hand on Nikolai's shoulder. "I haven't seen you smile like you have these past few weeks for a long time. You care for her. But going out to find her alone is suicide. You don't even know who took her, you said you didn't see their faces." He sighed.

"I know what Mara looks like." Nikolai spoke quietly. Knowing that wasn't enough. Her sweet face had been in the forefront of his mind ever since he gained consciousness again.

"Sturmhond," Dogan leaned against the wall. "Are you listening to yourself, please let's just wait till morning and then we can all go look with you."

"I'm going now." He said, running a hand through his hair as he looked for the right set of maps. His fingers shaking and quickly flipping through the papers.

"I'll go with him." A voice came from the doorway. They both looked up, and saw that it was Henrik who stood there, coat on and bag slung over his shoulder.

"No, you're not, this is going to be dangerous." Nikolai said sternly. Packing a few last things before throwing his bag over his shoulder as well. Making his way towards the door.

"With all due respect Captain, I'm coming whether you say I can or not. You have taught me everything I know, including the importance of looking out for your crewmates. And that includes you." He said slowly at first, then gained more confidence as he finished his sentence. Nikolai stopped beside him.

Dogan smiled, folding his arms across his chest, looking more at ease with the proposition of this idea.

The corner of Nikolai's mouth twitched up slightly. He was shocked, he didn't think that he had ever heard Henrik have so much determination for anything.

"Alright." He said simply. "But I'm not your captain out there, I expect you to use your brains and take care of yourself. We are going to save Mara. I don't need to add you to the list of people to rescue."

He nodded, straightening his stance and smiling at Nikolai.

"Alright let's go."

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