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you never thought it would be so nice to wake up next to the person you have feelings for.

to be honest, you don't know if it could already be called love and if seishiro even feels the same for you, but there is something between you — he has to feel it too, just has to.

in his presence, you feel so complete, as if you had finally found your better half. you feel comfortable and with him, you have no fear what the future will bring.

but could this have a negative effect on you?

maybe you won't make it together, have to separate, even if you don't want to and just because it's the best.

you could get used to the strong arms that lie around you, the warmth of the body that presses itself against you and the hot breath that hits your neck at regular intervals.

a morning has never been as peaceful as this one.

but as the saying goes, peace doesn't always last and is destroyed very soon.

you're about to run your hand through seishiro's white hair, which is now pretty tousled from sleeping. he must already be awake, because a tiny little grin has crept onto his lips and his hand, which is lying on your hip under the shirt, is running in little circles over your skin.

before you can even start a 'good morning', an aggressive knocking at the door disturbs you. startled, you turn to it, knowing only one person who would knock like that, and only when he's angry.

glancing at the clock, you see that it's already after 12 o'clock and you're probably expected for lunch, since you haven't checked out or left the house. and since you're grounded, your father knows you're there and probably just wants to quietly rebel.

"y/n, i want you to open the door right now!" he angrily bangs on your white wooden door again with all his might.

if it's just a way to wake you up, he'd even manage to get the neighbors to notice. and usually he's never been this upset just because you slept late into the day and were late for lunch.

quite the opposite.

otherwise, he would have just let you sleep, thinking that maybe you were up late talking to suzume on the phone or watching some show or just sleeping badly. he just would have told anri to prepare a plate and put it aside so you could eat it later.

"damn it, seishiro, what are we going to do now?" you're almost jumping out of bed.

without giving it much thought, you pull his t-shirt and throw it at the boxer, who is still lying in your bed, confused and completely asleep, apparently not understanding the situation you're in.

"dad, i'll get dressed quickly. just a moment," you try to convey calmly and tiredly, but anyone could have heard the sheer panic from your voice — so too your father, who tells you again to open the door right now.

but if you did that, you would be signing your and seishiro's death warrant.

"princess, calm down. i've got everything under control," he swings out of your bed, puts on his clothes from last night and smoothes his hair.

in the meantime, you run into your dressing room and slip into a simple summer dress, forgetting your breath and quickly combing through your hair.

"good afternoon, mr. park. i'm nagi seishiro, it's a pleasure to meet you." you hear the boxer's voice and your heart stops for a few seconds at his words.

you're frozen, not knowing how to react, until seishiro waves you over with a smile. you look uncertainly at your father, as seishiro wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side.

your father stares at you, perplexed, surprised, but still rather emotionless. his gaze is on you and you can't interpret it, until suddenly a smile spreads across his lips.

"the joy is all on my side. if i had known that my wonderful daughter had chosen such a decent guy, i certainly wouldn't have reacted like this," he holds out his hand to seishiro, who then accepts it with a smile and the two shake hands with a firm squeeze. "you have to understand, seishiro, that my daughter is everything to me and i only want to protect her," his gaze is sliding back to you and then you see it in his eyes it's all just a facade.

you don't know why he put on such a show and invited him to stay for lunch. he even said he'd wait for you so you could freshen up in the bathroom.

one thing your father hates is having to wait for others. he doesn't do that, ever.

even when your mother left, he didn't wait for her either.

an half hour later the lunch went almost too perfectly for you. as if it were a normal situation, as if you had grown up in a normal family. your father showered seishiro with questions, never once letting his facade show.

seishiro is playing with fire, he's standing in an arena where a hungry lion will soon come, only he doesn't have a single weapon.

"it was really nice to meet you," your father pats him fatherly on the shoulder.

yoichi, who has also joined us for lunch, just nods at him. your brother has been totally weird the whole time. his eyes were on seishiro as if he knew him.

"i'm glad! it was nice to meet you too" he smiles at your father until he walks up to you, puts his hands on your cheeks and presses his lips to yours.

in front of yoichi and your father.

"see you around, princess" he whispers in your ear, leaving you with a feather-light kiss before he disappears out the door, leaving you in hell.

suddenly you feel your father's piercing gaze in your back, hardly dare to turn around.

in seconds you're grabbed roughly by the wrist and turned around. "go to your room and don't come out until they come for you. i'm going to lock your balcony door so you don't get any more ideas about running away," his grip is tightening so much that you think he's about to break your wrist. "and if you see this guy one more time, i'll make sure he's put away for life or has to leave the country."

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