𖥻 05

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you're startled out of your sleep when the curtains are roughly pushed aside and then a weight throws itself on you.

immediately you're aware of who is the one who is robbing you of your sleep and has already woken you up so unkindly several times.

"yoichi, get off me!" you grumble, but as usual, he doesn't listen to you. instead, he starts laughing and attacking your sides, causing you to laugh unintentionally as well.

when he finally has mercy, he lies down breathlessly next to you and immediately there is a strange silence.

noticing that something is bothering him you think about it and actually are already sure what it is about.

"go ahead," turning your head to the side you look at your brother, who now has a rather worried expression on his face.

"meg told me where you were last night," he sighs a little.

even though the subject is serious, you have to roll your eyes when you hear his nickname, which all his many friends call him.

"my god, can i just do something i want to do without being reprimanded by everyone?" you get angry, turn to the other side so you don't have to look at yoichi.

he can at least help it, and you know he only cares about you, too. but still, it really bugs you that you have to justify everything you do.

"y/n, that's not what i meant. meguru told me that there was this guy and he was way too close to you." he sits up, running his hands through his hair.

abruptly you sit up.

it's enough that you have to go on a date with meguru tonight - that he's telling your brother about your little trip to the underground + that he lies pisses you off.

well, seishiro has been pretty close to you, but he hasn't done anything to you or hurt you in any way.

what yoichi says sounds like seishiro is a serious criminal.

"sei didn't do anything to me," your voice sounding much louder than you intended.

yoichi doesn't like it when you take that tone, but he decides not to say anything this time. "just take care of yourself, okay? maybe the guy might seem nice, but you don't know anything about him. his appearance might just be a facade." he gets up from your bed, walks out of your room without another word.

you feel a little bad, even though yoichi and you didn't have a real fight and he probably isn't mad at all.


"you look stunning, y/n," meguru compliments you as he waits for you outside your magnificent front door. he texted you a few hours ago to wear something fancy, and you can already guess that you're going to an expensive restaurant.

meguru didn't skimp on today's outfit either. he's wearing an expensive suit that fits his body perfectly.

"thank you," you thank him rather half-heartedly, are still angry at him for taking advantage of your powerlessness and using it in his favor.

he pulls his eyebrows together, looking at you with a hard look.

you recognize the warning in them, so you act fast and force a smile onto your face.

immediately his face recedes and he takes your hand in his big one.

the ride to the restaurant is unpleasant, because most of the time there is an oppressive silence and you're not very good at breaking it. meguru says things that are supposed to make you loosen up, but in the end he just talks about himself and his great life again, so that you wish more and more that this evening would end quickly.

"after you, beautiful woman," he helps you get out of the car, smiling.

you immediately notice that his hand slides from your shoulder blade down to your tailbone and runs over your skin in circular motions. even though the fabric of your dress separates his hand from your skin, it feels far too intimate and you want to slap his hand away.

"have a nice evening, bachira." a waiter greets you. the candles make the table shine in a romantic light, the red roses are cliché, but beautiful in spite of everything.

and all the cutlery lets you know that this restaurant is outrageously expensive. you sit across from meguru, who keeps his eyes on you and sips from time to time from his glass.

you're startled out of your thoughts when his phone starts ringing. annoyed, he pulls it out and looks at the display to see who is trying to ruin your evening. his eyes widen a little, so you look at him, confused.

"excuse me, but this call is important. i'll be right back, angel." he walks to the back of the restaurant, leaving you alone.

bored and wanting to go home, you look out the window where you're sitting.

it's still a bit light outside, so you can still see the people walking through the street.

your eyes widen as you see a familiar face also looking at you. your body acts on its own, makes itself independent and your legs start to carry you out of the restaurant.

the fresh air does you good, you breathe it in deeply before you look around and see seishiro at a corner, who is already looking at you.

he doesn't make any effort to come to you, so you take over for him.

"well, are you having a nice dinner with your boyfriend? but don't let him wait too long. we don't want him to see you with me and get mad again."

underground, nagi seishiro ✓Where stories live. Discover now