Hanbin's Best Friend

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Zhang Hao third person POV

Zhang hao had never felt jealously to such a extent as he did when Hanbin won the center for the 'Here I Am' performance. To watch the younger be able to stand at the very top level, above everyone, Zhang hao could only wish he was given such an opportunity. He felt angry, as in his mind Hanbin didn't even rightfully win, no matter how great Zhang Hao may of been, he was confined to his role as the G group center, and due to then losing Zhang hao lost his center position. 

Though he wasn't angry at his teammates but at Mnet for making it G group vs K group rather than simply just the best contestant winning. However, that didn't stop him feeling hopeless, frustrated he had an extra barrier to surpass than Hanbin.

Zhang Hao remembered how he felt, reading the comments when the Here I Am YouTube video was released, how everyone was praising Hanbin and no one was talking about him. He felt left in the dark, like an extra or sidekick to Hanbin. Being just a step lower on the stage meant he didn't even get half as much recognition.

That night Zhang hao threw his phone to the floor, hiding under the sheets as he felt his eyes water, why? Why could he not just be Korean and get the treatment that Hanbin did? Why did everything have to be hard for him?


Zhanghao had thought he had moved on since the Here I Am performance, as he found himself within the Kill This Love G group team with members he adored. His teammates made him proud, proud that for once G group may actually have the chance to win. Well that's how he thought it would be.

One thing about his team that really got onto his nerves was Matthew, Matthew and his friendship with Hanbin, Matthew and his need to constantly mention the center. Now don't get him wrong he didn't hate Matthew but only the younger's symbolic role, him as the main support for Zhang Hao's biggest rival.

"Hanbin-hyung would do so well on this song"

"I wish he was here"

Zhang hao would groan and growl at Matthews statements, yes he knew they were close but why did Matthew feel the need to bring him up constantly? Though Zhang hao didn't have the answer and today was no less frustrating as Matthew continued his cheerleader role.

The group sat in a circle on the performance room floor, food placed between them as Zhang hao's teammates talked about their lives outside of the show, how the performance was going and more. He sat next to Zihao and Matthew eying them as they talked, Zihao's clearly oblivious expression, smiling and nodding enthusiastically as he watched Matthew talk to him in English, making Zhang Hao quietly chuckle to himself. He was use to watching his members making sure they were okay. He had always been like that. Though that introverted nature didn't last for long, when he heard Matthew do the one thing he despised the most. Praising Hanbin once more. Zhang hao felt the boy would never stop.

"Guys look at Hanbin's outfit isn't he so cute?"

Matthew said with a smile as he turned his phone to show the others. Hanbin was dressed in a classic varsity jacket, tie and basic jeans for his 'love me right' performance. Zhang hao rolled his eyes not so subtly as he listened to the others agree. Every little comment Matthew said to praise Hanbin, Zhang hao slowly became more and more frustrated before eventually snapping as he placed his food on the floor and aggressively stood up. He didn't notice how visible his anger was until his members eyes all fell on him, clear confusion on their faces.

"I'm just going to the bathroom"

He mumbled before turning away and storming to the door. 

Once he was outside the room, he ran to the bathroom, looking the door behind him as his back rested against it. A loud groan leaving his lips as his mind went wild. Why would no one ever praise him like that? Why was it always just Hanbin? He thought as his eyes began to water from the pure frustration he felt. He didn't know how much time had gone past, 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Maybe 20 even? Until he felt a gentle tap vibrate through the door, quickly trying to quiet his sobs, he listened out for another sound.

"Zhang hao, is that you?"


Hoped you liked this chapter I'm trying to bring in a bit of backstory so sorry if it's slow. Also sorry Matthew someone had to be the story's catalyst.

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