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Zhang hao third person POV

When Zhang hao awoke he heard the shower run, his eyes fluttering open as he adjusted to his surrounding, noticing he wasn't in his bed and instead in the spare one. His mind quickly reflected to the night before as his eyes widened in embarrassment. Zhang hao buried his face into the pillow as he allowed his cheeks and ears to heat up, he couldn't believe he got Hanbin to sleep snuggled up to him and the youngers peck to his neck? If Zhang hao was alone he would scream right now.

As Zhang hao heard the shower stop running, he turned himself around and sat up, running over to his cupboard pretending to be distracted as he pulled out some clothes, he heard the Bathroom door open and footsteps walk into the room.

"Morning hyung"

Hanbin said casually as Zhang hao kept his back to the other, not acknowledging the boys words as if they were addressed to someone else. Once he was done grabbing his stuff, Zhang hao dropped his eyes to stare at the ground, walking into the bathroom to get changed and freshen himself up. Zhang hao walked up to the mirror once he had gotten dressed, he looked like a mess, hair disheveled as he had not dried it or brushed it the night before and eyes still slightly swollen from crying. He frowned but put on his makeup, attempting to mask his complex emotions so that the others wouldn't ask questions.


Zhang hao had distanced himself as he tried to practice alone, the others aware of his state, giving him distance. Once he did eventually join them he spent the majority of the time watching and admiring his members and their unique charisma, something he felt that he was unable to match.

After a couple hours Hui called them to go have a break and the others agreed Zhang hao headed over to the back wall, sitting down against it as he frowned, tugging his hair in frustration. Zhang hao was so preoccupied that he didn't notice anyone had moved closer, let alone had sat beside him.

"Hao hyung are you feeling any better?"

Zhang hao heard Hanbin's warm voice enter his ears, as he flinched slightly at the others sudden presence, pushing down a blush as he tried to focus on the performance and not last night. He let his frustration he had built up go as he jutted out his bottom lip into a pout and shook his head. He felt the others stare tightly on him but he ignored it, keeping his eyes down.

"Come on hao hyung let's go practice together and I'll help you on your expressions, okay?"

He asked gently as the boy reached up to touch Zhang hao's hair, pulling a strand back before Zhang hao felt a small pressure on his head, a clasp of a hairpin breaking their silence. Zhang hao couldn't help but to smile, his hand slowly reaching up to feel the hair clip, it was a heart. He tilted his head down as his eyes looked up, through his bangs and into his reflection. A broken heart emoji. Zhang hao couldn't help but to laugh as he rolled his eyes looking back at Hanbin who was already standing, his hand extended out for Zhang Hao to take. Zhang hao quickly obliged letting Hanbin drag him back to the training area where they could work on expressions.


The two quickly fell back into a more comfortable and playful energy as Hanbin continued to tease Zhang hao, shoving him jokingly and praising the older for his expressions, in return Zhang hao began subconsciously cling onto Hanbin, his already emotional state making him feel as though the younger was a necessity, someone he didn't couldn't leave for even a second.

Zhang hao found himself wrapping his arms around Hanbin's sides and shoulders whenever they sat to talk before ruffling the others soft hair similar to how Hanbin had initially teased him. He wasn't to sure what had washed over him but he didn't feel anxious, weary or even annoyed by Hanbin, in a way he just felt content.

Now, hours after Zhang hao had been dragged by Hanbin to go practice, the older sat in front of Hanbin as the Korean leaned down, messing with Zhang hao's clip as he brushed out the global trainee's hair, resting it on top of the others head. Zhang hao sat patiently, a stupid smile on his face, he hadn't experienced such happiness as since he arrived for Boys Planet.

"Okay training is over guys but I need Hao to stay back"

Zhang hao heard Hui speak, as Hanbin pulled away from the older's hair allowing him to turn and look over at Hui. He was confused but nodded in response to Hui.

"I'll see you later hyung"

Hanbin spoke, gently squeezing Zhang hao's shoulder before walking out the practice room with Gunwook, leaving Zhang hao and Hui alone.

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