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Matthew third person POV

After almost a hour, Matthew was able to calm Hanbin down, pulling the Korean into his dorm and to the others. By which they rested an ice pack on Hanbin's hand and Gyuvin fed the older snacks, trying to cheer him up. After a little longer Hanbin had fallen asleep, head in Jiwoong's shoulder as Seowon and Gyuvin held onto him. Matthew hadn't told the others why Hanbin was so distressed, let alone why he had punched a wall, deciding it was best the other to tell them when he was ready, but that didn't stop them from taking care of the center.

Once Matthew knew Hanbin was deep asleep, he got off the bed and wished the others a goodnight, stating he had to go talk to the producers, though that wasn't completely true. Matthew knew he had to go see Zhang hao, although he was scared to, Hanbin was his best friend, and he couldn't bear to see him in such a fragile state.

Matthew's whole body was shaking while walking towards zoom team's bedroom, as Hanbin in his fit of rage told Matthew Zhang hao had left him to go to Keita's room. He had never been the type to be confrontational and even more, the fact that Zhang hao and him hadn never been close made him fear the interaction further. He didn't even know if Keita would let him in, considering the boy had forced Hanbin to leave only days prior when he tried to talk to Zhang hao.

The Canadian reached the door, his hands halting right before he knocked. He unevenly sighed before weakly knocking, waiting for it to open. He heard a few rustles until the door opened to reveal Ollie. The younger boy tilting his head in confusion when he saw Matthew standing there, as Matthew looked behind the younger, noticing that Ollie was alone.

"Uh where is Zhang hao hyung?"

He asked cautiously as Ollie shrugged, a frown appearing on his face.

"Hao hyung went to refill his water bottle but didn't come back, Keita went to go find him."

Matthew nodded and quietly turned away, quickly speeding off to head down the stairs to the bottom floor where the kitchen and water tap was, leaving a confused Ollie alone at the apartment door. Matthew couldn't lie, the thought that Keita may be with Zhang hao scared him even more, knowing how far Keita would go to protect his close friend, but he knew he had to try and considering they use to all be on the same team, he thought he may have better chances than Hanbin did.

It didn't take long for him to reach the bottom floor, the level was completely dark, apart from a small glow that came from under the pantry door. The Canadian slowly creeped up to the pantry, gently sliding the pocket door, to reveal Zhang hao sitting on the floor, knees to his chest as Keita hung over the older, combing his hair and holding Zhang hao's head into his chest. Their eyes immediately darting to Matthew as they heard the sound. He saw Zhang hao's eyes widen as Keita stood up walking closer to him.

"I need to talk to Zhang hao hyung."

Matthew spoke as confidently as he could though there was an evident quiver to his tone. He flinched as Keita moved scarily close to him, his index finger poking Matthew's chest, indicating he wanted the Canadian to move back.

"What? So you can apologise for your stupid friend who thought it would be okay to kiss Zhang hao without his permission?"

Keita growled as he finally pushed the other backwards, trying to close the door on him but Matthew shoved his foot through, keeping the door ajar.

"Huh? That's not what happened?"

He furrowed his eyebrows as he managed to force the rest of the door back open, Keita no longer resisting the others movement, instead looking at Zhang hao with clear confusion on his face.

"Matthew please don't tell him."

The Canadian heard his previous leader speak in a fragile tone that he had never heard come out of the other. His eyes fixed on Matthew; fear evident on his face. Matthew couldn't help but to sigh.

"Zhang hao hyung, you can't go hurt Hanbin like this and then try to ruin his reputation."

Matthew could feel the tension in the air as Zhang hao's eyes drifted to Keita, it was obvious that the older was contemplating his choices, his mouth opened but no words came out. Matthew, leaned against the wall awkwardly watching as Keita crouched down to Zhang Hao's level.

"You're not going to get in trouble if you tell me the truth."

Keita said softly, as Matthew eyed Zhang hao waiting for the other to admit it and finally get some closure.

"Fine I was the one that kissed him first and I also kissed him back today."

Zhang hao muttered embarrassed, his cheeks going red as Keita backed away from Zhang Hao, murmuring something about how he 'knew' the other was lying.

"Why did you run away hyung?"

Matthew asked calmly, still observing the two.

"I-I don't want word to spread that I'm gay, the v-voters already hate me because they think I am, and if it spreads neither of us will be able to debut."

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