Our Introduction

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Zhang hao third person POV

After Zhang hao's talk with Matthew, he had decided to do his entry speech for the second elimination with Hanbin. Days prior Hui had asked him about it and he had refused, planning to do it with Gunwook but last night he reconsidered the request. For this reason, Zhang hao was now back in his and Hanbin's dorm, on his old bed as the younger sat across from him. Zhang hao plucked the loose threads from his shirt's seam as he tried to calm down his racing heart. He was too afraid to even look up at Hanbin.

"Hao hyung, you wanted to do this right? So let's just get it memorised and then you won't have to speak to me again"

Hanbin's weary voice had a tint of sadness to it as Zhang hao frowned, feeling that familiar sense of guilt swarm over him. He shook his head and stood up, still avoiding looking at Hanbin as he walked to the small full body mirror in the corner of their room.

"So what if one of us counts down and then we can do the killing part"

Zhang hao spoke, practicing the part and singing quietly to the tune. As he finished, Zhang hao watched through the mirror as Hanbin came closer to him, the older moving to the side so that they could see each other through the mirror. Zhang hao felt more at ease looking at Hanbin through the mirror, almost as if it was disconnected from reality.

He stared at the Korean's reflection as he nodded and copied what Zhang hao did, a slight grin appearing on his face, Zhang hao struggling to focus on anything but the others cute whisker dimples and bright smile. He shook his head snapping out of his thoughts before glancing back at himself through the mirror, noticing Hanbin was looking at him through the corner of his eyes.

"Can you teach me something to say in Chinese?"

The voice was quiet, to the point where Zhang hao barely heard it, he could sense hesitation in the others behaviour as if scared to annoy the older. Zhang hao tried to swallow his nerves, realising if anything he was the one that needed to be brave right now.

"Ok how about I ask you a question in Korean, you reply and when you ask me something back in Mandarin?"

Zhang hao glanced back up at Hanbin through the mirror, waiting for his approval. Hanbin rapidly nodded and placed a hand on his chin in thought to which Zhang hao didn't fail to notice the cute way the other puffed his cheeks while doing so.

"Ok hyung you ask how I'm feeling about the elimination, I'll reply and then... what can I say?"

Zhang hao chuckled softly as he also thought for a second before saying a simple phrase in Mandarin.

"It means, Hao how's the weather today?"

He translated to Korean as Hanbin tried to copy him, his accent poking through as his words died off at the sound of Zhang hao laughing.

"You're so cute, it's more Hao-ge"

Zhang hao spoke innocently as he saw Hanbin's posture stiffen and his cheeks redden, he looked at the boy confused by his reaction. Zhang hao then realised he had accidentally called the other cute, his cheeks also gaining a rosy appearance.

"S-sorry it just slipped out"

He mumbled quietly as he repeated the whole phrase once more for Hanbin to copy him.


Zhang hao and Hanbin stood backstage, waiting as Gunwook and Hui finished their introductions, standing at the end of the stage for when Hanbin and Zhang hao would join them. The two had stood a few meters apart prior to their introduction, scrolling through their phones. Zhang hao would peak up to look at the younger every couple minutes but he got nothing in return from the other.

Eventually they were called to come to the stage as Zhang hao shoved his phone into his pocket walking over to the center and through the open door with Hanbin trailing behind him. He looked over to the other and made sure he was in position as the Korean counted them down. Zhang hao followed the moves they had practiced before an idea entered his mind. Possibly something he shouldn't be doing but as there was a few beats they had not accounted for, he felt unable to resist the urge to push the boundaries while they were in the public eye and Hanbin was unable to get mad at him. He couldn't pretend that their lack of contact wasn't getting to him and besides what harm would some fanservice do?

He took a step closer to the other, turning to look at Hanbin as he reached his hand up to the younger's face, cupping his chin as Hanbin looked down bashfully, their faces likely closer than necessary and Zhang Hao could feel the tension amounting between them. He shook it off and grinned before pinching the others cheek and continuing to walk down the stage forcing the Korean to run after him.

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