The Solution

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Hanbin third person POV

Hanbin had stayed with Matthew until the younger fell asleep, gossiping about Hanbin's crush before the others arrived back for the night. The last couple hours, when with company, they spent talking about their fears for the upcoming mission with only tomorrow left for practicing, and the elimination.

Once Matthew had fallen asleep, Hanbin slipped out of the younger's bed checking the time on his phone. It was only minutes past 11. Hanbin picked up his stuff and crouched down next to Zihao's bed, who laid turned to the wall watching an Exo dance practice. The Korean gently tapped the others back, causing Zihao to turn around.

"Hey do you have Ollie's number?"

He whispered quietly as Min calmly smiled, luckily not questioning Hanbin as he pulled up the contact showing him. Once done, he thanked Min who waved goodbye before sinking into his bed. Min was never the type to pry into the others business.

Once outside Hanbin leaned against the wall beside it, feeling his heart begin to race when he noticed Zhang hao and the rest of the kill this love team's room was right beside him. He shook his head and refocused himself before sending a message to Ollie.

Hi! This is Sung Hanbin, can we meet somewhere? I need to talk to you :)

As Hanbin begin to walk to his dorm his phone buzzed.

okkk ill meet u @ the lounge near cafeteria in 10! ^_^

Hanbin smiled at the text before pivoting his foot and heading to the stairs that would lead him to the lounge.


Hanbin was seated on one of the couches, picking at his still irritated lips, waiting for Ollie to arrive. The center was nervous, he wasn't quite sure how Ollie would feel that he dragged him to come and talk late at night just for it to be about Zhang hao.

'Hanbin hyung?"

A soft voice spoke, redirecting Hanbin's attention towards Ollie, he smiled gently at Ollie and patted the couch beside him, the younger quickly complied looking at Hanbin expectantly.

"Um so this is kinda awkward b-but I wanted to talk to you about Zhang hao... maybe you knew why he hates me?"

Hanbins voice was soft and he couldn't help but to let a small frown appear on his face. He watched as Ollie's cheery behaviour deadpanned.

"I know, I'm sorry for making you come down here so late to come talk to me and you can go if you want but like he told me to never talk to him today and I just don't know what to do because I thought-'

Hanbin words was jumbled, his normal composure lost as he ranted to Ollie in desperation.

"Hyung it's okay let's just calm down for a second"

Ollie put a hand on Hanbin's shoulder as the older nodded, taking a shaky sigh.

"This is going to sound a little confusing so hear me out with this okay?"

Hanbin nodded again.

"Hao-hyung doesn't hate you, it's quite the opposite actually. Please don't tell the others this because he would kill me but he's jealous of you"


Hanbin didn't understand why Zhang hao would be jealous of him, he thought the other was a better singer, better performer and of course, prettier than him. He already believed that Zhang hao would of been the center if he was Korean. In one sense he felt glad that the other wasn't mad at him but was also feeling guilty for not realising how Zhang hao felt.

"What can I do to stop him hating me then"

He furrowed his eyebrows and ran a hand through his hair, frustration building up inside of him. Ollie's eyes lit up as an idea came to his mind.

"How about you write him a letter?"

Ollie questioned as Hanbin frowned shaking his head.

"I can't do that he won't even take it off of me"

The younger thought for a second.

"Okay so we have one more day of training. If you can give me the note for him late tomorrow night I'll sneak it onto his bed once him and his team leave for the stage."

Hanbins eyes lit up as pulled Ollie into a hug just glad to find a solution.


Hanbin was in the reaction room as everyone began to watch the stages, he wasn't sure if he was nervous more so to perform or for Zhang hao to see the letter he spent ages writing.

Though he didn't really have the time to worry as he saw the kill this love teams hop on stage. His eyes remained glued to Zhang hao as the boy introduced himself. He couldn't deny the other's introduction, he was charismatic for sure.

Soon the stage begin and Hanbin felt as if his eyes were glued to the older. He couldn't lie, the outfits, his vocals and Zhang hao's visuals left him in shock. He almost felt enchanted by the other wishing he was able to write about this in his letter. Hanbin was sure that his cheeks were red and mouth was agape by the end of the performance, but he didn't care, he was just happy to see Zhang Hao in a state other than frustration.


This was kind of a filler but don't worry the next few chapters will make up for it :)

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